RT @Bonn1eGreer@twitter.com
I'm not interested in the celebrity space that the #Obamas now occupy because I'm not interested in celebrities.
But on the #Warnock campaign trail: #BarackObama is fantastic. He looks better as an older man; He's having fun nailing the issues...and he's a great,great orator. https://twitter.com/AdamParkhomenko/status/1598527505903796229
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Bonn1eGreer/status/1599482215708008448
A 113-Year-Old Woman Who Went Viral For Dancing With The Obamas at 106 Has Died
#uspolitics #obamas #ripvirginia
For their $25 million, @spotify got 17 #podcast episodes from the #Obamas before they jumped ship, essentially $1.5M for each episode. Worse, the rumor is that the Obamas left because they wanted more producer control, and Spotify literally told them no. https://techcrunch.com/2022/06/21/the-obamas-are-leaving-spotify-for-audible/