Modern car maintenance essentials.
If you think your car is working just fine, plug one of these into the OBD-II port and it'll tell you all the little problems it has encountered while you were peacefully driving along.
Luckily in our case it only discovered the battery was pretty weak and probably going to leave us stranded at the first sign of winter, so we just picked up a new one.
You can also do some basic settings that a car shop charges you 30-50€ for.
Utilizing an #OBDII #scanner, even the simplest one, might be quite advantageous to you in that regard. Although if you are unable to remedy the issue on your own, you will at least be aware of it, which might help you avoid other issues and unneeded costs. 👇🔝
Utilizing an #OBDII #scanner, even the simplest one, might be quite advantageous to you in that regard. Although if you are unable to remedy the issue on your own, you will at least be aware of it, which might help you avoid other issues and unneeded costs. 👇🔝
#OBDII #Automotive short answer: Don't try this.
Go with a known good product, like the ELM327 bluetooth module.