Seen in a XMPP MUC
“there is a voc package on freebsd because my friend antranigv is not that lazy.”
#oberon #vishapoberon #voc #freebsd
Insights into the action of plant #WRKY #transcription factors: Interaction with #histone-binding #OBERON proteins forms repressive complexes keeping drought stress response genes in check
#wrky #transcription #histone #oberon
I have quite a lot more followers than I did when I first wrote my introduction, so it’s only fair that I’m writing a new one, bump up the major version.
#introduction #intro #introductions
Hi! o/
I am Ștefan (ș as sh, I also accept Stephan or the equivalent in your language). I’m 21 years old, ♑, he/him, proud #leftist and soon to graduate CS @ UVABc. Sort of proudly living in #romania. My native language is Romanian, fairly proficient at English, slowly learning #finnish (and #italian).
Tried a lot of programming languages in my childhood up until now, a non-chronological list of ones that stuck with me for one reason or another being: VB6 (that’s what I started on at 8 years old), #pascal (+ #freepascal and #delphi), #perl (+ #raku), #tcl #tcltk, #lisp (usually #scheme, on a good day #elisp #emacslisp and #commonlisp), #elixir, #php, #forth, #lua, #oberon, #modula-2, #cpp #c++, #ocaml, #fsharp, #smalltalk (+ #squeak #pharo #self), #ada, #powershell, #dart, #matlab, #rlang, #zig, #nim, #cobol and #julia. I don’t claim full proficiency in all of these, but I’m familiar enough with these (+ some others not mentioned here) that I could get along just fine with 2 weeks at most of studying and looking through cookbooks and examples). I’m flexible in learning new languages and technologies if needed.
I also do #sudoku and #math for fun (especially functional equations and number theory problems, sometimes calculus and geometric algebra). I am interested in #linguists, #conlangs (#lojban and #esperanto) and #nlp, contemporary (post-‘45, usually post-‘89 for me) history, #balkan history, lower-level stuff (I like to learn about how tools around me work, I’m most interested in #compilers, #emulators and #microcontrollers), #typography and #latex, #linux + #bsd, #msdos, #amiga, #oberon, #plan9, #philosophy, #astronomy (especially in a worldbuilding context) and #philosophy, along with other less notable interests.
I engage in #politics relatively often irl, although I’m not inserting it in absolutely every scenario in my life. As I mentioned, I’m a #leftist and #progressive (or… um… #woke) (Nazis and fascists can have a merry fuck off, DNI with me). I am also a spiritual person, a #deist (if you really want to put it that way, an agnostic, although it’s not quite true) and I find #astrology and #tarot interesting (I’ll let you guess my moon and ascendant, let’s see how close you are).
With that being said, I hope I’m welcome here, you can pick your subset of things that interest you from this list, you have plenty of options. :P Quite a bit longer than last time, but oh well…
#introduction #intro #introductions #leftist #romania #finnish #italian #pascal #delphi #tcltk #elisp #freepascal #perl #elixir #php #forth #modula #fsharp #smalltalk #squeak #pharo #self #amiga #plan9 #philosophy #astronomy #politics #progressive #woke #tarot #tcl #lisp #scheme #raku #emacslisp #commonlisp #lua #oberon #cpp #c #ocaml #ada #powershell #dart #matlab #rlang #zig #nim #cobol #julia #sudoku #math #linguists #conlangs #lojban #esperanto #nlp #balkan #compilers #emulators #microcontrollers #typography #latex #linux #bsd #msdos #deist #astrology
Go ֆրոնտենդ` Oberonի փոփոխուած տարբերակի համար | https://սարեան.ցանցառներ.հայ/s/ze93a0 | #oberon #go
4 out of 5 #Uranus #moons likely to have #ocean under crust
A preview of what #UranusOrbiter and Probe might find in the 2040s
The #water is believed to be located between the core and icy crusts in oceans 30km deep for moons Ariel and #Umbriel, and less than 50m for #Titania and #Oberon.
It's not uncommon to find water in dwarf #planets and moons. For example, #dwarfplanets #Ceres and #Pluto, as well as #Saturn's moon #Mimas, have all shown evidence of liquid water.
#uranus #moons #ocean #uranusorbiter #water #umbriel #titania #oberon #planets #dwarfplanets #ceres #pluto #saturn #mimas
As is tradition. #Splatfest #Ebiyaki #Takoyaki #Oberon
#oberon #takoyaki #ebiyaki #splatfest
Vier manen van Uranus hebben ondergrondse oceanen
De vijf grote manen van Uranus – Miranda, Ariël, Umbriël, Titania en Oberon – zijn belangrijke doelen voor toekomstige ruimtemissies. Het bestuderen van deze objecten zou helpen om de omvang van bewoonbare omgevingen in het buitenste zonnestelsel te bepalen
#Ariël #manen #oberon #oceaan #titania #Umbriël #uranus #water
#water #uranus #umbriel #titania #oceaan #oberon #manen #ariel
The #javascript here (a) seems to be wrong (and even obviously prints data in the wrong order; someone please just plain FIX the damn thing, or replace it!) and (b) is in a TERRIBLE language for algorithm conveyance.
Of the languages in common use, I’d probably pick #Ada as the best for jobs like this. However, #Oberon, not much used, is the likeliest for everyone to understand. :)
Monotone cubic interpolation - Wikipedia
¡#HolaCiencia! Espectacular campo ancho del sistema de #Urano con la extrema sensibilidad del telescopio #JWST. ¿Puedes localizar sus cinco lunas clásicas (#Titania, #Oberón, #Umbriel, #Ariel y #Miranda)? • vía astronomy24x7/TW #FotoCiencia NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI
#HolaCiencia #urano #jwst #titania #oberon #umbriel #Ariel #miranda #FotoCiencia
I have now added #Oberon2 --
բազմութիւն՝ արհամարուած տիպ, եւ դրա իրականացումը ARM֊ի համար | https://սարեան.ցանցառներ.հայ/s/ahkpkf | #oberon #երկաթ
(CW: Censored nudity)
Just a quick drawing of Oberon, King of the Butterfly Court, from the Sparrow. He's already planning what he's gonna do with you since you walked into his chambers uninvited.
#comic #comics #illustration #illustrator #fae #fey #faerie #fairy #oberon #mastoart #creativetoots #gay #gayart #lgbtq
#comic #comics #illustration #illustrator #fae #fey #faerie #fairy #oberon #mastoart #creativetoots #gay #gayart #lgbtq
#37 – S04E02: Openverse, CPUs and GPUs, home servers | https://սարեան.ցանցառներ.հայ/s/hg3cfn | #C #oberon #երկաթ #կազմարկիչ #ցանցառներ #հակադարձ #շարժական #իւնիքս #բաշխ
#c #oberon #երկաթ #կազմարկիչ #ցանցառներ #հակադարձ #շարժական #իւնիքս #բաշխ
modula-3, պատմական ենթատեքստ | https://սարեան.ցանցառներ.հայ/s/adjwyp | #oberon #պատմական #pascal #ծրագրաւորում
#oberon #պատմական #pascal #ծրագրաւորում
#σημερα είναι ημέρα παιδιών στην #tunisia, ημέρα του #eugenioMariaDeHostos, #kagakiBaki στην #japan, ημέρα αντίστασης και ανεξαρτησίας στο #morocco, ημέρα κατά της εμπορίας ανθρώπων στις #usa και ημέρα δημοκρατίας στην #albania.
#σανΣημερα το 1787 ανακαλύπτονται οι δορυφόροι του #uranus, #titania και #oberon.
To 1922 χρησιμοποιείται για πρώτη φορά η ινσουλίνη.
Το 1943 δολοφονείται στη #NewYork o Ιταλό - Αμερικανός αναρχικός #carloTreska.
#carlotreska #NewYork #oberon #titania #uranus #σανσημερα #albania #USA #morocco #Japan #kagakibaki #eugeniomariadehostos #tunisia #σημερα #καλημερα
I'm reading up on semantic dictionary encoding, the core technology behind #Oberon 's Slim Binaries. H/T @thebluewizard for reminding me that this technology exists and is somewhat reasonably documented in Dr. Franz's thesis.
Interessanter Beitrag drüben bei Golem über #Oberon der #ETHZ
"Es geht auch in schlank: Warum in den späten 1980ern an einer Schweizer Hochschule eine Programmiersprache, ein OS und eigene Hardware entwickelt wurden."
Einfach schade, dass in der Schweiz so viele Chancen vertan wurden, in der Mikroelektronik und IT wirklich Fuss zu fassen. Wer weiss denn überhaupt noch, dass z.B. LCD-Bildschirme in der Schweiz erfunden und hier auch gebaut wurden?