Is our search for an #ObjectiveMorality misguided? - #SlavojZizek #SlavojŽižek - A Short Pitch
#Philosophy #Morality #Ethics #Objectivism #Relativism #Politics #Society #Totalitarianism #SovietUnion #IAI #InstituteOfArtsAndIdeas
#instituteofartsandideas #iai #sovietunion #totalitarianism #society #politics #relativism #objectivism #ethics #morality #philosophy #slavojzizek #objectivemorality
Hey does anyone have any sources to consult regarding #objectivemorality and #anarchism? I'm mostly interested in philosophical investigations into this problem.
I've found a tendency that this question is avoided online, both in discussions (more like fights) and also in theoretical work.
The acts of beautiful negation noted in Blessed Is the Flame come closest to a coherent analysis, but those cases are drawn from a very narrow setting of total horror, and aren't specifically #Anarchist.
Any ideas?
#objectivemorality #anarchism #Anarchist