C'est fait. À première vue, c'est beaucoup plus rapide.
#ObjectStorage #S3 #OVH
Sur ce, je crois que je peux formuler ma conclusion :
Si vous souhaitez utiliser un service de stockage de type #ObjectStorage compatible #S3 pour votre instance #Mastodon, il vaut mieux configurer tout ça dès le départ parce que ça risque d'être compliqué pour vos membres si vous faites la migration plus tard.
Suite de mes péripéties avec l'#ObjectStorage #S3 d'#OVH :
La création d'un bucket avec un ACL public-read (ex.: aws s3api create-bucket --bucket nom-du-bucket --region bhs --acl public-read --endpoint-url=https://s3.bhs.io.cloud.ovh.net) rend tous les fichiers qui seront ajoutés par Mastodon effectivement lisibles publiquement.
Mais pas la copie vers le bucket des milliers de fichiers déjà existants via la commande aws s3 sync system/ s3://nom-du-bucket/ --endpoint-url=https://s3.bhs.io.cloud.ovh.net... 🙄
By the way, I believe I'll migrate packmates' object storage also over to cloudflare. Yiffit is already on there and it is seemingly working much better than packmates' current idrivee2.
Je suis à la recherche d'un #MastoAdmin ou des #MastoAdmins qui utilise-nt un service #ObjectStorage #S3 et qui voudrai-en-t bien me donner un p'tit coup de main pour mettre ça en place.
En 2018, j'avais suivi ce guide (https://stanislas.blog/2018/05/moving-mastodon-media-files-to-wasabi-object-storage/) pour utiliser #Wasabi sans #ReverseProxy, mais comme ce n'est plus possible (voir: https://pouet.fedi.quebec/@manu/110658367412016709) j'essaie avec #OVH (S3 Standard) et un reverse proxy inspiré de ça : https://docs.joinmastodon.org/admin/optional/object-storage-proxy/
Merci de partager !
#mastoadmin #mastoadmins #objectstorage #s3 #wasabi #reverseproxy #ovh
For anyone hosting a Mastodon or Lemmy instance, Cloudflare's R2 object storage has been pretty good for the last 8 days or so since I've started using it.
There's no egress fees. Instead you pay for storage (0.015 per GB) and per GET request, but it's so cheap that it costs basically nothing.
The first 10 millions fetched images are free, after that it's 36 cents per million image. Suppose each image averages 1MB, that would be equivalent to an egress cost of 36 cents per Terrabyte.
And unlike Wasabi it doesn't have minimum retention and you pay per GB you actually use. There's no minimum purchase of 1TB.
If you use 1TB for 15 days, that only counts as 500GB and you'd only pay for the exact amount of GB you use.
#cloudflare #objectstorage #mastoadmin #lemmyadmin
Kerstin ist zu Gast bei The IT Press Tour in Berlin und spricht mit @stiefkind
über den ersten Tag mit cuno.io von PetaGene, Tuxera und simplyblock. Was sie anbieten, und was sie besonders macht, erfahrt ihr in einer neuen Ausgabe vom data://express
#blockstorage #filestorage #objectstorage #ITPT #cloudstorage #podcast #serviceproviders #hpc #DXPRS
#blockstorage #FileStorage #objectstorage #itpt #cloudstorage #podcast #serviceproviders #hpc #dxprs
If you've been following my recent #MinIO troubles: there's been a new development!
They have...
...decided to drop any hint of cooperation and lock down the issue.
And you know what: I'm feeling good about this. I can't drop MinIO for work, but personally, I won't touch the project with a ten-foot pole.
But here's a final reminder: if you're using encryption, make sure that you're running the latest version of MinIO's KES server. Otherwise your data could be corrupted.
@norm is a Cloud Solution Architect at #STACKIT.
He wrote a nice blog post how he set up #Mastodon using STACKIT services #redis #elasticsearch #postgresql #objectstorage and #kubernetes.
#Stackit #mastodon #redis #elasticsearch #postgresql #objectstorage #kubernetes
I use #idrivee2 storage behind the #bunnynet CDN.
Together it costs like 2,5€ per month.
#mastodon #instance #aws #s3 #mastoadmin #poll #objectstorage
#idrivee2 #bunnynet #mastodon #instance #aws #s3 #mastoadmin #poll #objectstorage
Referenced link: https://hubs.ly/Q01HdSW10
Originally posted by Backblaze / @backblaze@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/backblaze/status/1637831371606441986#m
Save your seat for our free upcoming webinar with @fastly on Tuesday, March 28 at 10 a.m. PT!
Can't make it?
Register anyway and we'll share the recording straight to your inbox: https://hubs.ly/Q01HdSW10
#FreeEgress #edgecomputing #cdn #objectstorage
Probably there have been a couple of these polls around, still I would like to know:
What object storage are you using for your #Mastodon #Instance (if any)? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
I am currently using #AWS #S3 which works great, but is probably not the cheapest option. Boosts appreciated. :boost_ok:
#mastodon #instance #AWS #s3 #mastoadmin #poll #objectstorage
不敢再接入那些超熱門 relay,沒兩下空間就會爆了
#minio #mastodon #misskey #objectstorage
#minio #mastodon #misskey #objectstorage
Small change in the mini server... now media is being stored using object storage. It didn't affect performance at all and was more of a test. #mastodon #objectstorage #s3
Pequena alteração no mini server… agora as mídias estão sendo gravadas usando object storage. Não mudou em nada em relação a performance e foi mais para testar mesmo. #mastodon #objectstorage #s3
@meka about two months ago or so you wrote that you were investigating #DistributedFileSystem solutions for #FreeBSD.
Are there any results you can share?
We are happily using #minio for #ObjectStorage but we have not yet found a good #BlockStorage solution…
#distributedfilesystem #freebsd #minio #objectstorage #blockstorage
Preparing some new (short) material in my @portainerio and #Synology #C2 series.
How to #backup and restore #Portainer instance using the #ObjectStorage #C2 as a compatible #S3 #storage
In case you are a #docker user and not familair with #Portainer or #C2 for that matter maybe these will help
#synology #c2 #backup #portainer #objectstorage #s3 #storage #docker
Dear WordPress Geeks
Has anyone tried to use S3fs and mount a bucket directly to use it as the wp-content folder to avoid all the hassle with 3rd party plugins on WordPress like offload media?
#WordPress #s3 #s3fs #objectstorage #linux #websever
#media #admin #wordpressadmin
#wordpress #s3 #s3fs #objectstorage #linux #websever #media #admin #wordpressadmin
Let's get this discussion started again: Is #backups and #disasterrecovery (think: #objectstorage #immutability ) a function of security? I'm interested in hearing about this again. I personally think some misses the mark by at least 1 million miles, but whatever. Let's hear it. And no, there is not an option to select more than one.... You want that, get to posting a poll yourself. Thanks.
#backups #disasterrecovery #objectstorage #immutability