Johannes Brakensiek · @lazarus
94 followers · 706 posts · Server

@el_gaucho If you like to create/use the backend in C and (use @objfw), then you will be able to use for the frontend. Either using on Apple devices or using on other Posix devices as soon as I manage to complete it. As long you may want to look at @vala_lang which provides C bindings for many libraries and more if you create VAPIs yourself.

#objc #appkit #uikit #objgtk #floss

Last updated 1 year ago

Johannes Brakensiek · @lazarus
94 followers · 672 posts · Server

Really need to get back to @elementary at some point. Itβ€˜s beauty is a huge motivation to work on @GTK and , also because just feels like it belongs there.

#objc #objgtk

Last updated 1 year ago

Johannes Brakensiek · @lazarus
77 followers · 453 posts · Server

@gugurumbe It was the best idea for a free (libre) desktop environment. But it was ahead of his time (and maybe not done that well at its time), which is why people wrote and that took over and got stuck. never reached a mature state, is quite nice, but installs desktop stuff with its setup. The only stable runtime is , has not got much support by the very little community.

Conclusion: Use @ObjFW and maybe one day. πŸ˜‰

#gnome #gnustep #gui #foundation #gnu #libobjc2 #objgtk

Last updated 2 years ago

Johannes Brakensiek · @lazarus
67 followers · 261 posts · Server

So, my todo list for the next days:
- get that plugin for working again
- write that script to make @qownnotes use @pandoc and @libreoffice to generate a PDF booklet
- make that G4 running again and set up an usable PIM suite using , , and .

If I'm somewhat recreated by that time I'm gonna restart coding on . But after Christmas I'm really too exhausted to get into deep work too soon. πŸ€” πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

#floss #recoll #synapse #ibook #vdirsyncer #khal #khard #mutt #objgtk

Last updated 2 years ago

Johannes Brakensiek · @lazarus
62 followers · 241 posts · Server

Therefor I think good and sustainable is not only free and open, but also available to the many. That means good is either very portable, or a web application or a mobile application. That's why I'm working on my wrapper for and @ObjFW because I want my apps to be available both within the "free" sphere of and , but also on . and

#floss #gtk #objc #linux #bsd #ios #portable #mobile #software #objgtk

Last updated 2 years ago

Johannes Brakensiek · @lazarus
58 followers · 224 posts · Server

@js Well of course. πŸ˜€ @helge But I really don't want to make a new "Kit" (again). For me it's work enough to create an wrapper for that works, writing pieces that glue stuff together. If others follow the idea to create an API that feels like AppKit or UIKit out of , I'm very fine with it. But I wanna make apps and not maintain a library/framework all the time.

#objc #gtk #objgtk

Last updated 2 years ago