An order of #RomanCatholic #priests is picking up the #legal tab for one of its own on trial for #historical #SexualAbuse at a #ResidentialSchool in #Manitoba .
Fr. Ken Thorson, #spokesperson for #Oblates of #MaryImmaculate #Lacombe said his #Ottawa based order is supplying the #DefenceFawyer for Fr. #ArthurMassé.
#Manitoba #Canada #JailPriests #TaxChurches #StopChildAbusers
#romancatholic #priests #legal #historical #sexualabuse #residentialschool #manitoba #spokesperson #oblates #maryimmaculate #lacombe #ottawa #defencefawyer #arthurmasse #canada #jailpriests #taxchurches #stopchildabusers
Here at Saint Meinrad, today we celebrate our patronal feast, honoring the 9th century hermit, St. Meinrad. He is called a “Martyr of Hospitality” because even though thieves wanted to kill him (thinking he was hiding treasures in his hermitage), he still fed them and offered them prayers and kindness.
Today we especially pray for the monks of our motherhouse in Switzerland, Kloster Einsiedeln, as well as for our Benedictine #Oblates, who live out our charism of hospitality in the world