digital sketch commission for someone on telegram~
character belongs to them~
#obliviousally #furry #furry art #anthro #anthro art #illustration #furry fandom #commission #sketch #fennec #finn the punk fennec
#obliviousally #furry #anthro #illustration #commission #sketch #fennec #finn
and all the outfits from the previous artwork altogether!
#obliviousally #furry #furry art #anthro #anthro art #illustration #furry fandom #nicoya #commission #doll
#obliviousally #furry #anthro #illustration #nicoya #commission #doll
a very fun comm for the ever-lovely and ever-patient, nicoya! this one def got a bit out of hand, but it turned out great
#obliviousally #furry #furry art #anthro #anthro art #illustration #furry fandom #nicoya #barbie #doll #fashion
#obliviousally #furry #anthro #illustration #nicoya #barbie #doll #fashion
i wanna feel the edges start to burn
#obliviousally #furry #furry art #anthro #anthro art #illustration #furry fandom #ancyn #fox #destiny
#destiny #fox #ancyn #illustration #anthro #furry #obliviousally
got what they want, got what they want
and they know, they know, they know
i can see it in their eyes
they're coming for you, honey
#obliviousally #furry #furry art #anthro #anthro art #illustration #furry fandom #fursona #hybrid #pox #opossum #fox
#fox #opossum #pox #hybrid #fursona #illustration #anthro #furry #obliviousally
a little something i did for our 'little art show' at work. i don't play around with traditional media much anymore, but it's fun to experiment when it comes to stuff like this. 3x3 canvas. it tried to do some texturing with the flowers by mixing flour and acrylic with some moderate success
#obliviousally #furry #furry art #anthro #anthro art #illustration #furry fandom #fursona #ally #hybrid #fox #opossum
#opossum #fox #hybrid #ally #fursona #illustration #anthro #furry #obliviousally
i won’t lie
if there’s something still to take
there is ground to break
whatever's still to come
#obliviousally #furry #furry art #anthro #anthro art #illustration #furry fandom #ancyn #fox
#fox #ancyn #illustration #anthro #furry #obliviousally
a little something for mitsene
#obliviousally #furry #furry art #anthro #anthro art #illustration #furry fandom #subira #mitsene
#mitsene #subira #illustration #anthro #furry #obliviousally
am i your dream girl?
you think of me in bed
but you could never hold me
you like me better in your head
make me evil, then i'm an angel instead
at least you'll sanctify me when I'm dead
#obliviousally #furry #furry art #anthro #anthro art #illustration #furry fandom #voleta #vampire
#vampire #voleta #illustration #anthro #furry #obliviousally
running just as fast as we can
holding on to one another's hand
trying to get away into the night
and then you put your arms around me
and we tumble to the ground and then you say
#obliviousally #furry #furry art #anthro #anthro art #illustration #furry fandom #gwen #cheshire cat #feline #cat
#cat #feline #cheshire #gwen #illustration #anthro #furry #obliviousally