#LT (But!) #Defourny (RWDM) : "Jake [#OBrien] est capable de faire [à Lyon] comme il a fait chez nous en rentrant une fois dans l’équipe pour ne plus jamais en ressortir… Même si ce n’était « que » de la D2 belge, on parlait de lui pour être le meilleur joueur du championnat"
#LT (But!) Théo #Defourny [ex-coéquipier d'#OBrien à Molenbeek] : "J’ai souvenir d’un match où il avait pris un tampon, où il avait le visage en sang. Beaucoup pensaient qu’il allait sortir mais Jake (...) a harangué les supporters et il est reparti au combat pour finir le match"
Theo #Defourny : « Jake O’Brien, c’est un guerrier, un super joueur et un top mec ! »
#OBrien #EX_OL
(But! : https://olplus.fr/Mguls)
Pour O’Brien, l’#OL doit se décider
(Le Progrès 💶 : https://olplus.fr/vDbPu)
Jake O’Brien a joué ses premières minutes
#OBrien #Académie
(Tonic radio : https://olplus.fr/48qIA)
Qui est Jake O’Brien, la recrue surprise de l’#OL ?
(Foot Mercato : https://olplus.fr/n3cAH)
Jake O'Brien "excité à l'idée de jouer" avec l'#OL
(OLPlay via O&L : https://olplus.fr/5pyD0)
Jake O’Brien, nouvelle recrue défensive de l’#OL
#OBrien #Transferts
(Le Progrès : https://olplus.fr/8s4vQ)
L'#OL se renforce en défense avec Jake O'Brien (Crystal Palace)
#CPFC #OBrien #Transferts
(So Foot : https://olplus.fr/tGU3f)
O’Brien toujours dans l’attente
#OBrien #Transferts
(O&L : https://olplus.fr/IDGGp)
Jake O'Brien arrive à Lyon, Castello #Lukeba file à #Leipzig, Karl Toko Ekambi enfin parti
#Transferts #OBrien #TokoEkambi
(L'Équipe 💶 : https://olplus.fr/VAjJC)
#tokoekambi #obrien #transferts #leipzig #lukeba
@thisweekinmastodon @MirrorAyako +1 vote for Star Trek: Seven with #Raffi, #Elnor, and the Titan crew we've gotten to know. Add some oft recurring #TNG, #DS9, and #VOY guests. I vote for #Tuvok, #Kira, #OBrien, #Worf, #Kim and obviously #Crusher.
I do hope we see #Laris again, somehow. She's awesome.
#enterprise #legacy #seven #StarTrek #laris #crusher #kim #worf #obrien #kira #tuvok #voy #ds9 #tng #Elnor #raffi
Quote of the day from James O'Brien "It's not a battle of wits as one of us is unarmed." when talking to a caller attempting to justify no pay rise for nurses. It's at the end of this clip: https://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/presenters/james-obrien/caller-struggles-explain-why-nurses-shouldnt-get-inflation-pay-rise/
#Nurse #PayRise #strike #obrien
Off the top of my head. These may or may not help to know me, but they will usually be found on my bookcase
1. A Wrinkle In Time #MadeleineLEngle
2. Little Women #Alcott
3. Neuromancer /or/ Distrust That Particular Flavor (varies by week)#Gibson
4. People of the Book #Brookes
5. The Third Policeman #OBrien
6. The Good Earth #PearlSBuck
7. Danny Dunn & the Automatic House #Williams #Abrashkin
#7books #madeleinelengle #alcott #brookes #obrien #pearlsbuck #williams #abrashkin
RT @1922_adrian@twitter.com
On the 23rd November 1867, William Allen, Michael Larkin and Michael O’Brien, who became known as The Manchester Martyrs, were executed for Ireland.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/1922_adrian/status/1595283639851536384
#allen #larkin #obrien #manchestermartyrs
For some, 1984 was just a novel, but for millions around the world it is a daily reality. Welcome to the Dystopian Discoteque from my 2017 album Escalator.
#AirStripOne #Darkwave #synthwave #coldwave #synth #Anakogue #1984 #GeorgeOrwell #Tyranny #Oppression #Doublethink #Thoughtcrime #BigBrother #Newspeak #IgnoranceIsStrength #FreedomIsSlavery, #WarIsPeace #WinstonSmith #Julia #OBrien
#AirStripOne #darkwave #synthwave #Coldwave #synth #anakogue #GeorgeOrwell #tyranny #oppression #doublethink #thoughtcrime #bigbrother #newspeak #ignoranceisstrength #freedomisslavery #warispeace #winstonsmith #Julia #obrien
For some, 1984 was just a novel, but for millions around the world it is a daily reality. Welcome to the Dystopian Discoteque from my 2017 album Escalator.
#AirStripOne #Darkwave #synthwave #coldwave #synth #Anakogue #1984 #GeorgeOrwell #Tyranny #Oppression #Doublethink #Thoughtcrime #BigBrother #Newspeak #IgnoranceIsStrength #FreedomIsSlavery, #WarIsPeace #WinstonSmith #Julia #OBrien
#AirStripOne #darkwave #synthwave #Coldwave #synth #anakogue #GeorgeOrwell #tyranny #oppression #doublethink #thoughtcrime #bigbrother #newspeak #ignoranceisstrength #freedomisslavery #warispeace #winstonsmith #Julia #obrien
For some, 1984 was just a novel, but for millions around the world it is a daily reality. Welcome to the Dystopian Discoteque from my 2017 album Escalator.
#AirStripOne #Darkwave #synthwave #coldwave #synth #Anakogue #1984 #GeorgeOrwell #Tyranny #Oppression #Doublethink #Thoughtcrime #BigBrother #Newspeak #IgnoranceIsStrength #FreedomIsSlavery, #WarIsPeace #WinstonSmith #Julia #OBrien
#AirStripOne #darkwave #synthwave #Coldwave #synth #anakogue #GeorgeOrwell #tyranny #oppression #doublethink #thoughtcrime #bigbrother #newspeak #ignoranceisstrength #freedomisslavery #warispeace #winstonsmith #Julia #obrien