Mi película favorita de los Coen es #OBrotherWhereArtThou?, porque tengo una imagen mental de mi viéndola en TV super emocionado y encantado con la historia, pero hay que admitir que #ElGranLebowski tiene los mejores gags de su filmografía. Son escenas cuyos remates constantemente llevan a uno mejor que el anterior sin saturar al espectador. Completos genios.
#obrotherwhereartthou #elgranlebowski
Today, July 13, 1937, the newspaper reports on plans to flood a valley and remarks on the success of the mysterious Soggy Bottom Boys band (O Brother, Where Art Thou?, 2000)
#Movies #Film #Cinemastodon #Letterboxd #OBrotherWhereArtThou
#movies #film #cinemastodon #letterboxd #obrotherwhereartthou
I just watched O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Joel Coen / Ethan Coen, 2000) and rated it 7/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O_Brother%2C_Where_Art_Thou%3F?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastodon #OBrotherWhereArtThou #CoenBrothers #GeorgeClooney #JohnTurturro #TimBlakeNelson
#timblakenelson #JohnTurturro #georgeclooney #coenbrothers #obrotherwhereartthou #cinemastodon #cinema #films
@oetgrunnen Great movie from the #coenbrothers #obrotherwhereartthou
#obrotherwhereartthou #coenbrothers
“Man of Constant Sorrow” (R.D. Burnett)
#LiveMusic #FolkMusic #CoverSong #OBrotherWhereArtThou
#obrotherwhereartthou #coversong #folkmusic #livemusic
In love with the backwoods. Stay hillbilly!
#backwood #bluegrass #hillbilly #OBrotherWhereArtThou
#obrotherwhereartthou #hillbilly #bluegrass #backwood
@fartcraft I mean they have so much good Films out there. #NoCountryForOldMen is my no. 1 but I also love #Fargo #TheBigLebowski #TrueGrit and #OBrotherWhereArtThou 🎥🎬
#nocountryforoldmen #fargo #thebiglebowski #truegrit #obrotherwhereartthou
Always looking for new folks to connect with, so here are some of my favorite hashtagged movies:
#StarWars (all of them)
#IndianaJones films
Okay…that’s a start!
#starwars #thebiglebowski #obrotherwhereartthou #officespace #slapshot #thegodfather #theexorcist #bigtroubleinlittlechina #thething #lastofthemohicans #blackrobe #casablanca #themaltesefalcon #goonies #indianajones #connect
“Man Of Constant Sorrow” (Dick Burnett)
#InstagramLive #CoverSong #OBrotherWhereArtThou #GuitarVocal #livemusic
#instagramlive #coversong #obrotherwhereartthou #guitarvocal #livemusic