On August 29, 1997, Gummo premiered at the Telluride Film Festival. Here’s some Tummler and Sully art to celebrate!
#Gummo #Gummo1997 #HarmonyKorine #ExperimentalFilm #TrashCinema #UndergroundFilm #AvantGardeFilm #Obscenity#ExploitationFilm #ArtFilm #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#gummo #gummo1997 #harmonykorine #experimentalfilm #trashcinema #undergroundfilm #avantgardefilm #obscenity #artfilm #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
I can't say if it's true because I don't speak #French but I find it funny anyway. We are definitely missing this word in #Slovak.
#Dickslap #translation #ObsceneLanguage #Obscenity
#xl8freelancer #TheLanguageNerds #Bifler #NewDayNewWord
Original post can be found here https://www.instagram.com/p/CwK_czQMLq6/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
#bifler #newdaynewword #french #slovak #dickslap #translation #obscenelanguage #obscenity #xl8freelancer #thelanguagenerds
I've had a few folk complain about my fucking #swearing and use of #obscenity . In response:
A. Read my profile; it provides justification
B. Fuck off
C. I don't give a shit
D. As a retired senior NCO I am licensed by the #georgecarlin institute in free use of the following: #shit #piss #fuck #cunt #cock #cocksucker #motherfucker and #tits
In addition I have certification for: #twat #rim #ass #asshat #spooge #buttfucker
Btw, if ANY of this offends you, PLEASE ignore and block me. Buh-bye.
#swearing #obscenity #georgecarlin #shit #piss #fuck #cunt #cock #cocksucker #motherfucker #tits #twat #rim #ass #asshat #spooge #buttfucker
How India's obscenity laws control women's bodies
#Asia #India #women'srights #obscenity #freedomofexpression #law #constituion
#constituion #law #freedomofexpression #obscenity #women #india #asia
On July 4, 1997, Pink Flamingos was re-released in the United Kingdom. Here’s some art to celebrate!
#PinkFlamingos #JohnWaters #DIvine #70sCinema #CultFilm #UndergroundFilm #ExploitationFilm #CultClassic #Obscenity#Art #BlackComedy #IndieFilm #MovieArt #Dreamlanders #PopArt #Drawing #ModernArt #Art #MovieHistory
#pinkflamingos #johnwaters #divine #70scinema #cultfilm #undergroundfilm #exploitationfilm #cultclassic #obscenity #blackcomedy #indiefilm #movieart #dreamlanders #popart #drawing #modernart #art #moviehistory
On June 25, 2015, Kids was screened at BAMcinemaFest. Here’s a sketch of Chloe Sevigny to mark the occasion!
#Kids #LarryClark #HarmonyKorine #ChloeSevigny #ComingOfAgeFilm #DramaFilm #IndependentFilm #Teensploitation #Obscenity #UndergroundFilm #ArtFilm #1990s #Art #MovieHistory
#Kids #larryclark #harmonykorine #chloesevigny #comingofagefilm #dramafilm #independentfilm #teensploitation #obscenity #undergroundfilm #artfilm #1990s #art #moviehistory
A quotation from Russell, Bertrand:
Obscenity is whatever happens to shock some elderly and ignorant magistrate.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #bureaucrat #censor #censorship #judge #magistrate #obscenity
#quote #quotes #quotation #bureaucrat #censor #censorship #judge #magistrate #obscenity
On June 9, 1999, Gummo debuted in France. Here’s some Bunny Boy art to celebrate!
#Gummo #Gummo1997 #HarmonyKorine #ExperimentalFilm #TrashCinema #UndergroundFilm #AvantGardeFilm #Obscenity#ExploitationFilm #ArtFilm #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#gummo #gummo1997 #harmonykorine #experimentalfilm #trashcinema #undergroundfilm #avantgardefilm #obscenity #artfilm #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
Utah school district bans Bible in elementary and middle schools 'due to vulgarity or violence' https://apnews.com/article/book-ban-school-library-bible-fc025c8ccf30e955aaf0b0ee1899608a #vulgarity #filth #obscenity
Today in Labor History May 31, 1819: Poet Walt Whitman was born. Whitman published his first and most famous collection of poems, Leaves of Grass, in 1855, using his own money. It was criticized as obscene for its sensuality. During the Civil War, he volunteered in hospitals caring for the wounded. Many believe Whitman was gay or bisexual, based on his writings, though it is disputed by some historians. Oscar Wilde met Whitman in the United States in 1882 and told the homosexual-rights activist George Cecil Ives that Whitman's sexual orientation was beyond question—"I have the kiss of Walt Whitman still on my lips." Whitman is considered by many to be Americas first and greatest poet. He inspired many who came after him, including Ezra Pound, Langston Hughes, Kerouac, Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti, Gary Snyder and June Jordan.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #WaltWhitman #CivilWar #poetry #poet #writer #lgbtq #gay #obscenity #OscarWilde #AllanGinsberg @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #waltwhitman #civilwar #poetry #Poet #writer #lgbtq #gay #obscenity #oscarwilde #allanginsberg
A quotation from Jackson, Holbrook:
History proves there is no better advertisement for a book than to condemn it for obscenity. Forbidden fruits have unique flavors, and the bounds of suppression create new limits of desire.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #advertisement #attraction #bookburning #censorship #desire #forbiddenfruit #obscenity #pornography
#quote #quotes #quotation #advertisement #attraction #bookburning #censorship #desire #forbiddenfruit #obscenity #pornography
Today in Labor History April 26, 2004: Author Hubert Selby died. He wrote “Last Exit to Brooklyn” and “Requiem for a Dream.” His first novel, “The Queen is Dead,” was banned in Italy and prosecuted for #obscenity in the U.K. Allan Ginsberg thought that Last Exit would “explode like a rusty hellish bombshell over America and still be eagerly read in a hundred years.” Selby dropped out of high school to work on the docks of Brooklyn, before becoming a merchant seaman in 1947. However, he caught tuberculosis from the cows on board the ship. He was in and out of hospitals for the next three years. Doctors told him he was going to die. But several surgeries and experimental drugs saved his life. Too sick to do physical labor, he tried writing to earn a living.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #HubertSelbey #literature #fiction #writer @bookstadon
#obscenity #workingclass #LaborHistory #hubertselbey #Literature #fiction #writer
On April 7, 2019, Thriller: A Cruel Picture was screened at the BAFICI Buenos Aires Film Festival. Here’s some original Christina Lindberg art to mark the occasion!
#ThrillerACruelPicture #BoArneVibenius #ChristinaLindberg #SwedishFilm #ExploitationFilm #MartialArtsFilm #ThrillerFilm #Obscenity #VigilanteFilm #KungFu #70sMovies #Art #PopArt #MovieHIstory
#thrilleracruelpicture #boarnevibenius #christinalindberg #swedishfilm #exploitationfilm #martialartsfilm #thrillerfilm #obscenity #vigilantefilm #kungfu #70smovies #art #popart #moviehistory
If someone asked me wether I found something obscene, this would be it:
Some kids of super-rich mocking poverty, misery and helplessness under the guise of "fashion". You will never buy something like this with honestly earned money, not even as a top earner. Balenciaga obviously has nothing to do with moral balance.
Today in Labor History March 25, 1957: U.S. Customs seized copies of Allen Ginsberg's poem "Howl" on obscenity grounds. Poet Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and City Lights manager, Shigeyoshi Murao, were arrested on obscenity charges for publishing and distributing the poem. Howl was inspired, in part, by a terrifying peyote vision Ginsberg had in which the façade of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, in San Francisco, appeared as the monstrous face of a child-eating demon. The obscenity charges stemmed from homophobic responses to his explicit references to homosexuality.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #poetry #howl #lgbtq #AllenGinsburg #homophobia #LawrenceFerlinghetti #CityLights #obscenity #censorship #BannedBooks @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #poetry #howl #lgbtq #AllenGinsburg #homophobia #lawrenceferlinghetti #citylights #obscenity #censorship #bannedbooks
The absolute #SelfAwarenessFail of the comments from a #Utah state senator that helped this bill become law is *astounding*. Also, the flat out #lying re:the claim that that it was meant for books that he couldn't even show in public meetings because "they would violate state and federal #obscenity laws." What utter #bullshit https://www.sltrib.com/news/education/2023/03/22/utah-parent-says-bible-contains/
#bullshit #obscenity #lying #utah #selfawarenessfail
Today in Labor History March 24, 1919: Poet and activist Lawrence Ferlinghetti was born. Ferlinghetti is most well-known for his book of poetry, “A Coney Island of the Mind” (1958) and for cofounding City Lights bookstore and publishing, in San Francisco. The authorities arrested him for publishing Allen Gingsberg’s “Howl” because they deemed it obscene. However, a jury acquitted him in 1957. Politically, Ferlinghetti considered himself an anarchist. His politics were influenced by Anarchist poet and IWW member Kenneth Rexroth.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #IWW #beatniks #Ferlinghetti #obscenity #CityLights #publishing #poetry @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #IWW #beatniks #Ferlinghetti #obscenity #citylights #publishing #poetry
On March 20, 1975, Thriller: A Cruel Picture debuted in West Germany. Here’s some original Christina Lindberg art to mark the occasion!
#ThrillerACruelPicture #TheyCallHerOneEye #HookersRevenge #Thriller #BoArneVibenius #ChristinaLindberg #SwedishFilm #ExploitationFilm #MartialArtsFilm #ThrillerFilm #Obscenity #VigilanteFilm #KungFu #70sMovies #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #PopSurrealism #MovieHistory
#thrilleracruelpicture #theycallheroneeye #hookersrevenge #thriller #boarnevibenius #christinalindberg #swedishfilm #exploitationfilm #martialartsfilm #thrillerfilm #obscenity #vigilantefilm #kungfu #70smovies #art #popart #modernart #popsurrealism #moviehistory
On March 20, 2001, Gummo debuted in Brazil. Here’s some fan art to celebrate!
#Gummo #Gummo1997 #HarmonyKorine #ExperimentalFilm #TrashCinema #UndergroundFilm #AvantGardeFilm #Obscenity#ExploitationFilm #ArtFilm #Art #PopArt #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#gummo #gummo1997 #harmonykorine #experimentalfilm #trashcinema #undergroundfilm #avantgardefilm #obscenity #artfilm #art #popart #movieart #moviehistory
We praise not their curious crime
In offering risqué erotic time
It's clear their fate
Came for their prurient trait
Fined and now taught their lesson sublime
#eroticcontent #singapore #couple #nudity #obscenity #ode #poetry
#eroticcontent #singapore #couple #nudity #obscenity #ode #poetry