🥳🎉 1,000 stars on GitHub for the Quarto Awesome list!
I am very glad what I started for me is useful to others!
#AwesomeQuarto #QuartoPub #Quarto #Python #RStats #JuliaLang #ObservableHQ
#AwesomeQuarto #QuartoPub #quarto #python #rstats #julialang #observablehq
BGP #dataviz #observableHQ! This is how IP prefix announcements and withdrawals propagate the Internet:
I am building a collection of reactive observable widgets for statistical distributions:
Embed them in your teaching, like this: https://observablehq.com/@observablehq/embeds
#observablehq #statistics #bayesian #quarto
It would be great to have an #rstats package that coverts #ggplot2 code into #observablehq code. It would make it super easy to have interactive charts in static websites.
Anyone working on this? Cc @hrbrmstr @bigdatadipper @observablehq @hadleywickham @thomasp85
#rstats #ggplot2 #observablehq
@foone This "flipbook" notebook works with the image selected, 20 columns and 27 rows. https://observablehq.com/@forresto/flipbook #ObservableHQ
Mucking around with GeoPackage and GeoJSON on #observablehq https://observablehq.com/@saneef/buildings-near-hal-airport
Yet another tool to explore entities linked in a #Wikipedia article.
The wikilinks inspector looks at entities by country (P17), by gender (P21), country of citizenship (P27), instance of (P31) and occupation (P106).
Here is an example with the article in English about the European Union : https://observablehq.com/@pac02/articles-wikilinks-inspector?wikipedia=en.wikipedia.org&article=European%20Union&claim=P17&lang=en
#enwiki #SPARQL #wikiviz #Wikidata #Observablehq #BubbleChart
#bubblechart #observablehq #wikidata #wikiviz #sparql #enwiki #wikipedia
Do the article in French and the article in English about economics links to the same people or completely different ones?
Use the comparator tool to compare quickly people named in two #Wikipedia articles :
Again, the notebook combines #Wikidata #Observablehq #ObservablePlot and #SPARQL magic.
#sparql #observableplot #observablehq #wikidata #wikipedia
After my previous post on easy interactivity of #rstats output through htmlwidgets in #quarto, and interaction with users, I decided to redo some of the examples using one of the new additions of Quarto compared to its predecessor RMarkdown: the possibility to include JS #observablehq cells.
It was a great learning experience. I think that it is really useful that you can integrate visualization and data so easily!
Today's wikiviz is a short introduction to #Observablehq for #Wikidata users.
It shows how to go from a #SPARQL query to a dataviz in Observable.
#sparql #wikidata #observablehq
The same analysis as yesterday but for good articles in #frwiki
Good articles are similar to featured articles but criteria are just a bit easier to achieve.
Distribution of articles by instance of (#P31), country (P17) , gender (P21) , country of citizenship (P27) and occupation (P106)
#wikidata #wikipedia #observablehq #wikiviz #P31 #frwiki
Wikipedia in French has now more than 2,000 featured articles!
Today's notebook explores those 2,000 articles using #Wikidata.
#observablehq #wikiviz #frwiki #wikidata
What is your probability of having an article in #frwiki ?
It depends on your birthplace.
Evidence from France => https://observablehq.com/@pac02/births-department-wikipedia?collection=@pac02/wikipedia
#wikipedia #wikidata #spatialinequalities #Observablehq #observablePlot
#observableplot #observablehq #spatialinequalities #wikidata #wikipedia #frwiki
Now we can look at the history of the Vuelta (Spain's tour) in one chart.
Colors have been replaced by flags.
#wikidata #observableplot #observablehq #wikiviz #vuelta
Per i più nerd (e se ci leggete qui probabilmente lo siete...), abbiamo iniziato a giocare con #observablehq
-> https://observablehq.com/@scienzainrete
Siamo intervenuti su due vecchi articoli
-> https://www.scienzainrete.it/articolo/limpatto-della-ventilazione-sul-contagio-al-chiuso/chiara-sabelli/2022-01-21
-> https://www.scienzainrete.it/articolo/barometro-della-biodiversità/laura-scillitani/2022-11-23
Sono esercizi semplici ma siamo gasati perché ci pare di aver trovato uno strumento che permette a chi legge di controllare come vengono trasformati i #dati e costruite le #visualizzazioni.
Se avete consigli o suggerimenti siamo aperti alla discussione
#observablehq #dati #visualizzazioni
Now the same #Dataviz but for the Tour de France Femmes :
#wikiviz #Wikidata #Observablehq #ObservablePlot #TourdeFranceFemmes #TourdeFrance
#tourdefrance #tourdefrancefemmes #observableplot #observablehq #wikidata #wikiviz #dataviz
Look at the career of Nobel laureates in literature? when they got the Nobel? did they publish most of their work before the Nobel? did they still publish after the Nobel?
Explore 3,396 work published by 120 laureates in one dot chart !
#observableplot #nobelprize #observablehq #wikidata
Save the date 📅 #Observablehq #JSspatial #30dayMapChallenge @fil #GDRMagis #CarteBlanche #9dec2022 https://github.com/magisAR9/webinaires
#9dec2022 #CarteBlanche #gdrmagis #30DayMapChallenge #JSspatial #observablehq
Primo notebook su #observablehq fatto! ✅ https://observablehq.com/d/a16a6fc084e3d748