"A Whale With A History: Sighting Twain The Humpback Over Three Decades"
"Extended acoustic interactions with a humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) were captured via playbacks of the purported “throp” social call and hydrophone recordings of the animal’s vocalized responses during August 2021 in Frederick Sound, Southeast Alaska. Fluke photographs identified the animal as a female named Twain (HappyWhale.com identity SEAK-0401) first observed some 38 years ago. We document Twain’s life history via sightings made over almost four decades. The observational history gives illuminating snapshots of the long history of the individual behind the acoustic interactions."
The type of #AnimalResearch that is useful and #ethical. And it has a feel-good-factor, too. 👏
#ObservationalHistory #cetaceans
#animalresearch #ethical #observationalhistory #cetaceans