// "Cluster bombs? Tech from 1950's. Interesting."
// "The choice selective is always a convoluted one. Based on perception. Those choices may be tainted with angst and notions derived from subliminal inceptions. Inceptions are a nasty beast. Anything is possible. The options are only limited by the initiative of the subjective handler's creativity. Handlers are really not that creative in hindsight. With even lower educational standards, the idiocy becomes a grandiose undertaking"
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "The choice selective is always a convoluted one. Based on perception. Those choices may be tainted with angst and notions derived from subliminal inceptions. Inceptions are a nasty beast. Anything is possible. The options are only limited by the initiative of the subjective handler's creativity. Handlers are really not that creative in hindsight. With even lower educational standards, the idiocy becomes a grandiose undertaking"
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "The choice selective is always a convoluted one. Based on perception. Those choices may be tainted with angst and notions derived from subliminal inceptions. Inceptions are a nasty beast. Anything is possible. The options are only limited by the initiative of the subjective handler's creativity. Handlers are really not that creative in hindsight. With even lower educational standards, the idiocy becomes a grandiose undertaking"
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// #Music commentary : Throughout history music has been a unique university of all things imaginable. Love, loss, politics, introspection and the like. Music is one of the most powerful mediums in the human condition. This is where the equilibrium is off kilter... A universal medium with limitations. This is where we have the conversation about our #community - That #API one. It's important that Artistry has multicultural voices in that optional process.
(1 of 8)
#observerchronos #antoine #api #community #music
// "One of the markees of being a great leader..? People hating your very being when they don't have any sort of conant awareness of your actual existence."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "One of the markees of being a great leader..? People hating your very being when they have no clue of your actual existence."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// Seasons greetings : https://www.loc.gov/item/today-in-history/july-04/#:~:text=Independence%20Day,framework%20for%20the%20United%20States
// #Bing, I thought we were, "Friends.". What a pity.
#observerchronos #antoine #bing
// "You have to love the human spirit's tragic comedy compulsory in retrospective. The predictable banter is always a periodic of a greater dystopian outlook. The bleakest of bleaks, bleak. The passive aggregations can become quite comical - Especially when you aren't even paying any attention."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "...Protecting bugs overdue for eclipses with your hands... Do not look up. Those movements are only for the gaze of gods. When that brick of path is taken, where should the insteps cast their spells mortal? That is one of the questions you should ask walking, speaking to the sky head down in wide eyed meditation."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "...Protecting a bug overdue for a shadow with your hands... Do not look up. Those movements are only for the gaze of gods. When that brick of path is taken, where should the insteps cast their spells mortal? Those are questions you ask walking, speaking to the sky in meditation."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "...Protecting a bug overdue for a shadow. Do not look up. Those movements are only for the gaze of gods. When that brick of path is taken, where should the insteps cast their spells mortal? Those are questions you ask in public, speaking to the sky."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "...Protecting a bug overdue for a shadow. Do not look up. Those movements are only for the gaze of gods. When that brick of path is taken, where should the insteps cast their spell mortal? Those are questions you ask in public, speaking to the sky."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "Never cr0ss th0se Ninja. Those are words of wisdoms untold."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "Your intellect is measured by it's multiplier of "Communication sense". Not common sense. It helps, but it's still never a unique multiplier. Large words in a small mind always equates a minescule outlook with an uncreative vocabulary. Sugar coat it all you like. That blinder will always ride you to the finish sideways saddled."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "A side effect of that arrogance is having that college degree and waking up one day having the epiphany, regardless of hard they/you try - They/You are still mentally on a playground playing emotional Teathebal struggling with information they/you should already know."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "A side effect of that arrogance is having that college degree and waking up one day having the epiphany, regardless of hard they/you try - They/You are still mentally on a playground playing emotional Teathebal struggling with information they/you should already know."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "A side effect of that arrogance is having that college degree and waking up one day having the epiphany, regardless of hard they/you try - They/you are still mentally on a playground playing emotional Teathebal struggling with information they/you should already know."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine
// "A side effect of that arrogance is having a college degree and waking up one day having the epiphany, regardless of hard you try - You are still mentally on a playground playing emotional Teathebal with information you should already know."
#observerchronos #quotes #antoine