Chances of me visiting you, increase by 90%, if you have #floofy #cats 😻
#CatLovers #ObsessedWithCats #CatsOfMastodon #CatsOfSDF #TheseAreNotMyCats #CuteCats #MyFriendsCats #Felines #Kitties
#floofy #cats #catlovers #obsessedwithcats #catsofmastodon #catsofsdf #thesearenotmycats #cutecats #myfriendscats #felines #kitties
Found my #cat #sitting in #bathroom #sink - #contemplating his life as an unpaid domestic Cirque de Soleil performance artist kitty & whether he should run away & live with a proper feline talent manager.
#CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #CaturdayIsEveryday #CatLovers #MyCat #GrayTuxedoCat #furbuddy #FineFeline #WhiskersWednesday #AllCatsAllTheTime #ObsessedWithCats
#cat #sitting #bathroom #sink #contemplating #catsofmastodon #mastocats #caturdayiseveryday #catlovers #mycat #graytuxedocat #furbuddy #finefeline #whiskerswednesday #allcatsallthetime #obsessedwithcats
Asher is awake & back to bathroom stalking. This is pretty much what I see, every time I'm done showering & put my bathrobe on.
#BathroomCat #MyCat #CatsOfMastodon #MastoCats #CaturdayIsEveryday #ObsessedWithCats #AllCatsAllTheTime #GrayTuxedoCat #CatLovers
#bathroomcat #mycat #catsofmastodon #mastocats #caturdayiseveryday #obsessedwithcats #allcatsallthetime #graytuxedocat #catlovers
Asher, my hairy pooper, has pooped himself right out & snoring on the bed. He did his daily 4AM zoomies, crashed himself into a wall, failed(once again) to conquer climbing up the drapes & stole another 2 of my hair ties before he zonked out.
#MyCat #GrayTuxedoCat #MastoCats #CaturdayIsEveryday #CatsOfMastodon #CatLovers #ObsessedWithCats #AllCatsAllTheTime #FineFeline #SleepingCat
#mycat #graytuxedocat #mastocats #caturdayiseveryday #catsofmastodon #catlovers #obsessedwithcats #allcatsallthetime #finefeline #sleepingcat