On an #Aliens fan group to which I belong, there is a discussion going on about a particular plot point, the kind of endless dissection #obsessive #fans know well. I know this very well, because I’m one of them. Someone said “read this tie-in novel, it explains everything!” Then someone else called it “fan fiction,” and a third participant objected strenuously. Ah, #fandom: God help me, I do love it so.
The most money I ever made from writing, by far, was by co-authoring a #StarTrek novel†. It did quite well, as Star Trek novels tend to do. I lived for the better part of a year on the advance, and the royalties were a nice supplement to my income for several years afterward. Over the decades since, many people have told me it was one of their favorite novels ever. I don’t know how many copies I’ve signed. Feels good, man.
But I don’t kid myself—it’s fan fiction. So is all tie-in fiction to TV and movie series, unless an episode or a movie takes the story and puts it on screen. I’m not sure if that’s ever happened with Star Trek, in the very long series of novels based on multiple iterations of the show, and I know it’s never happened with the #Alienverse. All the tie-in novels, comics, and games are non-canonical. They just kind of exist out there in the realm of what-if and might-have-been. Maybe someday someone will stumble across them, floating in the deep, and do a salvage operation …
#StarWars is the one partial exception I know of, with some portions of the extended universe making it at least into the animated series. In general, though, screen franchise owners don’t think much of novels etc. They figure tie-ins are of interest only to hardcore fans, and there aren’t enough of those to make up the audience needed to justify big-budget productions. To them it’s just a way to squeeze a few extra bucks out of the property.
I’m not happy about this, because a lot of really great worldbuilding happens at the edges of known space. In the case of the Alienverse, for example, I think the #DarkHorse comics would have made a much better foundation for a third and fourth movie than what we actually got. But it’s a sadly consistent pattern.
†ST:TNG # 8, The Captains’ Honor, by David and Daniel Dvorkin, in case you were wondering. David is my father, who has also written a few other Star Trek novels and a lot of original novels. Despite the money, neither of us has any desire ever to go through the experience of dealing with Paramount ever again.
#obsessive #startrek #Alienverse #starwars #fans #fandom #darkhorse #aliens
On an #Aliens fan group to which I belong, there is a discussion going on about a particular plot point, the kind of endless dissection #obsessive #fans know well. I know this very well, because I’m one of them. Someone said “read this tie-in novel, it explains everything!” Then someone else called it “fan fiction,” and a third participant objected strenuously. Ah, #fandom: God help me, I do love it so.
The most money I ever made from writing, by far, was by co-authoring a #StarTrek novel†. It did quite well, as Star Trek novels tend to do. I lived for the better part of a year on the advance, and the royalties were a nice supplement to my income for several years afterward. Over the decades since, many people have told me it was one of their favorite novels ever. I don’t know how many copies I’ve signed. Feels good, man.
But I don’t kid myself—it’s fan fiction. So is all tie-in fiction to TV and movie series, unless an episode or a movie takes the story and puts it on screen. I’m not sure if that’s ever happened with Star Trek, in the very long series of novels based on multiple iterations of the show, and I know it’s never happened with the #Alienverse. All the tie-in novels, comics, and games are non-canonical. They just kind of exist out there in the realm of what-if and might-have-been. Maybe someday someone will stumble across them, floating in the deep, and do a salvage operation …
#StarWars is the one partial exception I know of, with some portions of the extended universe making it at least into the animated series. In general, though, screen franchise owners don’t think much of novels etc. They figure tie-ins are of interest only to hardcore fans, and there aren’t enough of those to make up the audience needed to justify big-budget productions. To them it’s just a way to squeeze a few extra bucks out of the property.
I’m not happy about this, because a lot of really great worldbuilding happens at the edges of known space. In the case of the Alienverse, for example, I think the #DarkHorse comics would have made a much better foundation for a third and fourth movie than what we actually got. But it’s a sadly consistent pattern.
†ST:TNG # 8, The Captains’ Honor, by David and Daniel Dvorkin, in case you were wondering. David of course is my father, who has also written a few other Star Trek novels and a lot of original novels. Despite the money, neither of us has any desire ever to go through the experience of dealing with Paramount ever again.
#aliens #obsessive #startrek #Alienverse #fans #darkhorse #fandom #starwars
I don't #like it when #people use an #obsessive amount of #hashtags in their #posts like this. It makes it #difficult and just #plain #annoying to #read the #text.
I can only #imagine how #fun it must be to #listen to the #text in a #screenreader.
#like #people #obsessive #hashtags #posts #difficult #plain #annoying #read #text #imagine #fun #listen #screenreader
How much care do you take with your punctuation?
#Obsessive #grammar #WritingTips #AmWriting #writing #authodons
#Authodons #writing #amwriting #writingtips #grammar #obsessive
#Atlantic Story:
"We’re Missing a Key Driver of #Teen #Anxiety:
-- A #culture of #obsessive #student achievement and long #schoolwork hours can make kids #depressed."
The solution (no doubt written by a myopic "#IvyLeague" asshole who's symbolic of "[a] culture of obsessive student achievement")? Get rid of #achievement #testing like the SAT/ACT.
How about instead, we get rid of the IVY FUCKING LEAGUE whose existence is implicitly associated with OBSESSIVE STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT and admission to which is entirely correlated with "success" as #Americans have been programmed to understand it?
#atlantic #teen #anxiety #culture #obsessive #student #schoolwork #depressed #ivyleague #achievement #testing #americans #joke #world
➡️#Beware: Trying to out-work everyone & getting TOO obsessive might be a symptom of inner problems to be addressed!
Better to catch on before you go too far. I'm speaking from experience:
#workinghard #workinghardorhardlyworking #keepworkinghard #workinghardpaysoff #outwork #workingharder #workinghardforit #goals #grind #Allin #toxicstress #ocd #adhd #manic #ptsd #obsessive #compulsive #mindset #therapy #selflove #selfcompassion #compassion #anxiety #workout
#beware #workinghard #workinghardorhardlyworking #keepworkinghard #workinghardpaysoff #outwork #workingharder #workinghardforit #goals #grind #allin #toxicstress #ocd #adhd #manic #ptsd #obsessive #compulsive #mindset #therapy #selflove #SelfCompassion #compassion #anxiety #workout
Getting the mind off the hamster wheel... #thinking #thoughts #obsessive
#thinking #thoughts #obsessive
My #obsessive tendencies are starting to show I guess, when I find myself scrolling back through a huge timeline of just the people I follow, to read updates chronologically from where I left off. Apparently this Obama guy's got a good shot at the candidacy.
Mental Health TV offers a detailed guide on #Obsessive #Compulsive #Disorder and #Treatments. This study guide includes interview with a patient who is treated for OCD. This guide thoroughly explains Exposure- Response Prevention Therapy and other OCD treatments.
#obsessive #Compulsive #disorder #treatments
Fun fact: I saw The Fifth Element 6 times at the local movie theater.
The last viewing, I went to alone, after a friend's mother refused to let him see it a sixth time because (and this is a direct quote) he might "go on a rampage." 😆
This probably explains a lot about my brain lol
Every time I upgrade our home theatre setups, this is the first film on the screen.
#thefifthelement #supergreen #rampage #obsessive
I am:
#Andalusian #atheist #biker #blogger #cerebral #classicliberal #contrarian #curious #eclectic #effectivealtruist #engineer #essayist #european #father #geek #globalist #humanist #indecisive #individualist #introvert #Japanophile #Madrilenian #male #married #marathoner #musician #nerd #nudist #obsessive #painter #pianist #polyglot #oboist #procapitalism #procrypto #proFLOSS #programmer #rationalist #reader #runner #sceptic #scientist #shortsighted #shy #spaniard #straight #strict #taken #traveller #urbanite #vegetarian #white #writer