Question for #obsidanMD #obsidan folks:
How do you organize locations?
- Each location to its own note, which is then cross-linked? So `department` would be linked to `company` which would be linked to the `city` where it is located.
- Hierarchy inside a few notes. This would look like `[[country#subregion#city#company#department]]`?
- Some completely different system?
Question for #obsidanMD #obsidan folks:
How do you organize locations?
- Each location to its own note, which is then cross-linked. So `department` would be linked to `company` which would be linked to the `city` where it is located.
- Hierarchy inside a few notes. This would look like `[[country#subregion#city#company#department]]`
Such a fun list to add to your daily-notes: Movies that are somehow related to specific dates:
FYI Today is Point Break day; Swayze and Reeves in an adrenaline fueled 122 minutes
@billseipel everyday. Golang, Java, Python, Ansible and K8S. Sometimes even #Obsidan
I'm curious if users of #ObsidianMD #obsidan keep their daily notes or delete them. If they delete them, when and how?
Trying to get the janitor plugin to delete Daily notes after a couple of months...
I wasn't happy with my original article on how I approach the collection of metadata within #Obsidan and elsewhere, so I've updated it and added better explanations.
Here's my current #Obsidan Book Search plugin use for tracking books and dumping Goodreads.
@normanbaatz @markmcelroy @ellane I hesitate to add something to my #obsidan workflow, though Zettlr looks pretty great. What does it offer that obsidian doesn't? And is that worth adding yet another app?
@ellane @EpiphanicSynchronicity @mani2jeff @talios I’d love to see how you get your Drafts into Obsidian. I use #Obsidan on my PC’s synced to OneDrive. No idea how to make this happen.
@EpiphanicSynchronicity @mani2jeff @talios tell me about using iAWriter. Device? Syncing to #Obsidan ?
@alexl @AnthonyBaker Hooray! Not that it had anything to do with my post, but I just saw that, as of this afternoon, #Obsidan has an official presence for announcements, etc. on Mastodon!
Checkout my weekly Obsidian plugins review: #Obsidan #ObsidianMD #secondbrain
#obsidan #ObsidianMD #secondbrain
@tommorris Thank you!
I have recently started to use #obsidan and #LogSeq, and both feel right. These are only for my notes, and not to contain documents.
Have been through a lot, and still use #DevonThink, mostly for anything that comes via files or paper.
I was planning on recording some voice-over this evening but because we had *a day* I installed #MinimalTheme in #ObsidianMD instead. When I downloaded #Obsidan I made an unprompted promise to never tinker with it, no plugins or themes just Bare Bones Knowledge™. But plugins can be helpful and I'm loving the different coloured headings in the theme.
#minimaltheme #ObsidianMD #obsidan
Today I finished the rough version of the first module of my Obsidian plugin for Eleventy (or more accurately, markdown-it). The goal is to make Eleventy markdown syntax compatible with Obsidian’s, so you can use Obsidian as your composer for your blog.
My first step was to add callout support, since I use them a lot for quotes and sidebars.
``` [!QUOTE] optional title
Bunch of stuff
Renders with a nice icon (based on callout type) shadows, title in a standard place and styled.
I’ve also added css that will style the last line as a citation if it’s italic. Hacky, but harmless.
I’m using the same underlying structure as Obsidian, so the css is transferable.
#obsidan #ObsidianMD #eleventy