Here's what I did in #Obsidian to make the #Todoist #tasks display better: I indented subtasks and made the meta smaller, inline, and with reduced opacity that increases on hover. Purty and useful :)
#obsidian #todoist #tasks #obsidianapp #pkm #taskmanagement
TIL that #Obsidian has a code inspector just like browsers, so I was able to fix the appearance of some #Todoist #tasks and make it look *exactly* as I wanted to, which filled me with much #joy.
Obsidian is truly personalizable - maybe I need to learn how to make plug-ins to extend functionality (#coding has always been so abstract to me that I’ve never been able to follow through, I can do front end dev only because I like seeing changes visually).
If you’re feeling limited by simple #notes apps like Apple Notes, I highly #recommend #ObsidianApp. It can be as simple or as complex as you like, and you can access your vault on phone, tablet, and desktop easily.
#PKM #PersonalKnowledgeManagement #Recommendations
#obsidian #todoist #tasks #joy #coding #notes #recommend #obsidianapp #pkm #personalknowledgemanagement #recommendations
Ich teste gerade die Kombination aus Readwise und Obsidian zur Verwaltung der Textmarkierungen aus Kindle Büchern…habt ihr dazu ein paar Tipps wie ihr die Textmarkierungen in Obsidian organisiert oder überlasst ihr das alles dem Sync?
@tillgrallert If you care about the visualization of data networks you could try out Obsidian. It's a powerful note/knowledge managing platform with strong emphasis on cross-referencing. There are also some plugins for importing or integrating Zotero libraries.
#obsidian #obsidianapp
Obsidian Preise – 5 Modalitäten
Das ist der erste Beitrag einer neu startenden Artikelserie zu Obsidian, einer Software zum Erstellen eines (virtuellen) Zettelkasten á la Luhmann.
In "Obsidian Preise" beschreibe ich das Freemium-Modell und verweise auf frei verfügbare Alternativ
#Forschungswerkzeug #Lehr-/Lern-/Werkzeug #Tutorial #AWDW-Buchprojekt #ObsidianApp #wiss.Arbeiten-Werkzeug #WissenschaftlichesArbeiten
#forschungswerkzeug #lehr #tutorial #awdw #obsidianapp #wiss #wissenschaftlichesArbeiten
ME: Ugh, I’m so stressed about everything I’m juggling right now
MOM: Have you tried jotting things down so you can see it all in front of you?
ME (glancing at my overly complex custom GTD/BuJo hybrid productivity system utilizing multiple community plugins in Obsidian app): I don’t think that’s the problem…
#productivity #obsidianapp #featurecreep