Ok, trying this #Lemmy thing out.
First off: Can you hear me?
If so, can someone help me with trying to turn an #ObsidianMD vault into propper #HTML so I can put it on some website and have other read them? Links includes, of course, all that stuff.
I've toyed with #pandoc but all it outputs is ok-ish looking text, zero html functionality, particularly no links.
#lemmy #obsidianmd #html #pandoc
#ObsidianMD - Stimmt, das Hover Editor Plugin für Obsidian sollte man sich genauer anschauen. Es kann z.B.: - Preview notes on hover
Installation über die Software, GitHub hier: https://github.com/nothingislost/obsidian-hover-editor #pkm
🎉 A new entry in Organizing #ObsidianMD for #DnD. Let's look at tags, properties, and why I think you should keep things simple.
Does anyone know a good cli-based #PKM solution for #Linux. I love tools like #logseq and #obsidianmd, but I am not able to find any CLI based #frontend for them, to streamline my #workflow. I am thankful for any suggestion you have.
#pkm #linux #logseq #obsidianmd #frontend #workflow
As every month, 15% of #ActionsForObsidian's revenue (after App Store fees & VAT) sponsors the #OpenSource developers whose work helps me make my app.
Much ❤️ to the #FOSS community!
Open source is the backbone of the global software-based economy. Talk to your employer about sustainability in this area too — if your company makes/uses/sells software but doesn't sponsor any of the #FOSS projects/libraries it uses under the hood, it's disrespecting them.
#actionsforobsidian #opensource #foss #obsidianmd #obsidian #pkm #shortcutsapp
#ObsidianMD is really nice, actually. It’s an Electron hellapp, but that’s more reasonable for something that’s essentially an editable hypertext thing than for most other apps (which have no excuses).
I miss better OS integration (windows, capturing things outside of Obsidian into it, etc), and I wish there was a way of moving things from my chaos brain notes system and onto the ditto on my webpage. It also feels Turing tarpit-y the way eg Linux and Emacs does. All possible, nothing easy.
Dlaczego nie używam aplikacji typu #Notion #ObsidianMD?
Uwielbiam #Markdown! Zapewnia on kompatybilność i stałość. Wszystkie notatki będą wyglądać w 99% tak samo niezależnie od aplikacji, która je wyświetla.
Ale to mi nie wystarcza…
W każdej z tych aplikacji występuje jeden poważny błąd: synchronizacja. A raczej jej szybkość.
Nie mogę sobie pozwolić, żeby czekać kilka minut, aż wyświetlą mi się notatki. Muszę mieć do nich natychmiastowy dostęp, a to zapewnia mi tylko #AppleNotes.
#notion #obsidianmd #markdown #applenotes
With all the plugins available I wonder if it wouldn't be possible that #Obsidian reminds us of what happened one (or any number of) years ago now?
#OnThisDay #ObsidianMD
#obsidianmd #onthisday #Obsidian
Danke für den Repost! Ich mache das bisher mit einem #DataView-Query (nur in den Daily-Notes als „Heute geändert“):
mday = modification day.
geht auch mit cday = creation day
Das Datum wird durch ein Template auf das jeweils aktuelle Datum gesetzt. Lässt sich sicher auch erweitern.
I've finished my writeup of my #Obsidian to #Quartz setup (after updating to Quartz v4).
It should cover most of how I set it up and use it.
I would love to hear from you if you're doing something similar or if you find my setup interesting.
https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/25/23845590/note-taking-apps-ai-chat-distractions-notion-roam-mem-obsidian "Why note-taking apps don’t make us smarter" #obsidianmd #pkm My personal summary and question from the articel: It's not about the tool. It's about how you use it. But, wasn't that always the "solution" for anything?
@ryanrandall just in case. Have you had a look here: https://publish.obsidian.md/hub/04+-+Guides%2C+Workflows%2C+%26+Courses/for+Academic+Writing #obsidianmd
After spending part of this morning correcting theme issues, I decided to tackle the new Properties that #ObsidianMD is using to replace the YAML metadata. (Properties is currently in Insider testing.)
I decided to color-code the properties in Wyrd according to the help page's notes on what built-in properties are supported: standard (green), publish (blue), deprecated (red, not shown), and custom (purple). I still need to test how Dataview interacts with them, but tomorrow, not tonight.
I've submitted Mononote for #Obsidian’s Community Plugin review, I hope it goes through quickly. 🤞🏼
Mononote is an #ObsidianMD plugin that ensures each note occupies only one tab. If a note is already open, its existing tab will be focussed instead of opening the same file in the current tab. It does one thing (as) well (as I could make it do).
I'll try to dig up the specific requests later today. Thanks for asking!
In summary, though, it's the basic web/app principle of "if there's an interactive element, it should be keyboard accessible."
For instance, in preview/reading mode, if I can collapse a header with a mouse? I should be able to tab or arrow key to it and collapse it. If I can interact with a Tasks or Dataview query with my mouse? Yep, should be able to with keys alone.
Some relevant external links I wish the #ObsidianMD devs & forum mods would consult regularly:
- TinyMCE editor keyboard commands: https://www.tiny.cloud/docs/tinymce/6/keyboard-shortcuts/#accessibility-keyboard-shortcuts
- WebAIM on keyboard navigation: https://webaim.org/techniques/keyboard/
- W3C on keyboard accessibility: https://www.w3.org/WAI/perspective-videos/keyboard/
- Mozilla's MDN on keyboard accessibility: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/Understanding_WCAG/Keyboard
I cannot fathom how utterly dismissive people become when faced with technology requests that don't fit their own use cases.
There are many requests in the forums for #ObsidianMD for better keyboard accessibility. I know because I'm searching for ways to improve my own experience as someone with ADHD!
Anyways, someone has linked to an article from 1989—yes, 1989—to "support" the dodgy claim that "users think keyboard shortcuts are faster, but they're not."
Yeah, every single user of keyboard-centric things like emac, vim, Pop! OS, etc is clearly delusional about their own experience. And nothing could conceivably have changed with computing, with user familiarity, etc. since 1989.
Just recognize that other people might in fact understand their lived experience & needs, that accessibility includes neurodiversity, and *gasp* that neurodiverse users might understand their own needs better than a $DEITY-forsaken article from 1989.
@tk Based on your other replies I would recommend the utilisation of tags and linking as a useful feature. This allows you to get a file structure without actively structuring it.
I've found this helps me with finding documents later.
I don't know how long you've used it, but it took me maybe a year to get to a workflow that works for me in #Obsidian.
Templates for types of documents I often write, daily notes for TODOs, tags for topics and dates, links to relevant documents.
@ryanrandall Nicole Van der hoeven has good YouTube Pro Contra Videos and also tutorials for #obsidianmd . Look here https://youtube.com/@nicolevdh?si=8-CNohEUpDlHMI48