Machines taking our jobs is nothing new.... I'm watching The Twilight Zone episode "The Brain Center at Whipple's" from 1964 - which people are replaced with computers, but the owner of the company is soon replaced by a robot -
#TwilightZone #Robot #Computer #PoeticJustice #machines #AI #Future #Futurism #Human #obsolescence
#obsolescence #human #futurism #future #ai #machines #poeticjustice #computer #robot #twilightzone
Here's a pictorial rant that nobody asked for about a #Ryobi electric line trimmer, a replacement spool, and #planned #obsolescence.
"Ce fabricant de domotique décide de couper ses appareils, et voilà ce qu'il se passe".
La domotique, ça peut être super utile pour automatiser des trucs.
Dans ce domaine, deux écoles : faire soi-même (ce qui suppose un peu de matériel et de savoir-faire technique), ou la solution vendue fonctionnelle, toute prête.
Le défaut de cette dernière, c'est quand le fabricant décide de stopper le service, rendant le matériel aussi utile qu'un caillou.
🗑️ Pourquoi a-t-on besoin de jeter ?
Jeanne Guien est docteure en philosophie et elle travaille sur les questions de l’#obsolescence et du #consumérisme. Dans ses travaux, elle raconte l’histoire et l’économie du jetable et elle invite à s’interroger sur la notion même de déchet.
Que mettons-nous dans nos poubelles ? Pourquoi produisons-nous autant de déchets ?
Another act against programmed #obsolescence with a friend's #iMac, which was in perfect condition but hadn't had macOS updates for a few years and so couldn't have the latest software (thanks golden prison), which was annoying for a web browser (as an example).
As she no longer had any specific software needs, just office software, a bit of web and video playback, I installed @elementary for her and she's super happy, it's even weird for her to have regular updates 😅
Une super réflexion sur le #déchet , notre rapport aux #objets, l'histoire du #jetable et de l' #obsolescence
#dechet #objets #jetable #obsolescence
Voilà, lecture terminée en quelques jours, je l'ai mangé tout cru, ce Silo. Un accompagnement efficace au gré de mes congés d'été 2023 ! Mais également, à mes yeux, en plus d’un efficace recyclage des thématiques post-apo, l’une des critiques les plus inattendues de l’ #obsolescence programmée (ces satanés bandes thermiques !)
La voir adaptée en série par Apple est d’ailleurs en conséquence particulièrement savoureux 🤗
"A unique online museum of physical media formats showcasing developments in audio, video, film and data storage.
The Museum preserves the memory of those objects that held our memories, and every format listed in the Museum is represented by at least one example in the collection."
#preservación #preservation #obsolescence #obsolescencia #museo #museum
#museum #museo #obsolescencia #obsolescence #preservation #preservacion
Home office de-clutter day. Looking at my CD-ROM drive and realized I haven't installed anything with a CD-ROM in over a year. And I have 3 stacks of blank CD's (not DVD's) that I have no idea what to do with.
#homelab #tech #obsolescence
Comment faire durer nos vêtements, sur nos corps comme dans nos têtes ? (Il ne restera plus ensuite qu'à apprendre à repriser.) #Surconsommation #Durabilité #Textiles #Obsolescence #FastFashion
#surconsommation #durabilite #textiles #obsolescence #fastfashion
What would you #buy if you could only buy stuff this month and then nothing else for the rest of your life?
What if that includes household supplies (shampoo, detergent)? What if it includes food?
#supply #chain #supplyChain #standardOfLiving #consumerism #obsolescence #plannedObsolescence #thoughtExperiment
#Repair #RightToRepair #CircularEconomy #eWaste #Consumption #Sustainability #waste #sustainable #limits #growth #degradation #resources #unsustainable #production
#thought #Experiment #buy #supply #chain #supplychain #standardofliving #consumerism #obsolescence #plannedobsolescence #ThoughtExperiment #repair #righttorepair #circulareconomy #ewaste #consumption #sustainability #waste #sustainable #limits #growth #degradation #resources #unsustainable #production
Today I repaired my old coffee grinder (GDR product: SWM4). It works (again), just like that, for now over 50 yrs. +, I fixed an old laptop (Amilo, from 2006), still running Win XP - but practically unusable. Thanks to #opensource #linux and friends it now runs a #PuppyLinux
It's an incredibly satisfying feeling to breathe new life into old hardware, kind of like growing your first tomato yourself. Why do we live in a consumer society again? And can someone drop the whole #obsolescence thing?
#opensource #linux #puppylinux #obsolescence
_The Evening Post_, 8 June 1923:
Throughout the ports of the world … many hundreds of steamers, representing millions of tons gross register, are lying idle. A large proportion are obsolete, and others are useless… effacing millions of tons of obsolete and unsuitable shipping is one of the most serious economic problems facing shipping trade to-day.…
#OnThisDay #OTD #PapersPast #NewZealand #Ships #Obsolescence
#onthisday #otd #paperspast #newzealand #ships #obsolescence
Le rapport : « Collants : cas d' #obsolescence programmée ? Rapport d'enquête sur les enjeux et solutions en matière de #collants »
Article de 2018 sur un rapport de l'asso Halte à l' #obsolescence programmée sur le #nylon
« La rapide détérioration des collants en nylon, est une question à la fois sociale, économique et écologique. [...] aujourd'hui, le résultat de l’étude montre que dans 72% des cas, le collant ne dépasse pas les 6 utilisations, voire seulement 3 utilisations pour plus de 40% des 3.000 personnes interrogés. »
Sad news. Happy news! Oh, the emotional swings. This could be a pilot for a soap opera!
But at least you're up-to-date with the latest n greatest. For a few months anyway.
Je pense de plus en plus fort à m'asperger de #sauce #tomate en public pour poser la question « qu'attend-on pour cesser le gâchis ? », l'#obsolescence programmée, le #capitalisme, la société de #consommation, l'#enrichissement des #marchands d'#armes, et tout ce qui prive nos #enfants de #futur.
#futur #enfants #armes #marchands #enrichissement #consommation #capitalisme #obsolescence #tomate #sauce
"Nothing alienates us from ourselves and the world more disastrously than to spend our lives, now almost constantly, in the company of these deceptively intimate beings, these phantom slaves whom we bring into our living room with a hand numbed by sleep - for the alternation of sleep and wakefulness has given way to the alternation of sleep and radio - to listen to the broadcasts in which, the first fragments of the world we encounter, they talk to us, look at us, sing to us, encourage us, console us and, without relaxing or stimulating us, set the tone for a day that will not be our own. Nothing makes self-alienation more definitive than continuing the day under the aegis of these apparent friends: for afterwards, even if the opportunity arises to enter into relationship with real people, we prefer to remain in the company of our portable chums, our portable buddies, since we no longer feel them to be ersatz people but real friends."
Günther #Anders, "The #Obsolescence of Man", 1956