Magnitude 7.2 #earthquake south of the #Alaska Peninsula 45 minutes ago (2023-07-16Z06:48) Signal on station II.KDAK (Kodiak Island, Alaska) made available via #Earthscope and read and plotted using free #obspy software.
#earthquake #alaska #earthscope #obspy
Magnitude 4.4 #earthquake off the West coast of #Greenland a couple of hours ago (2023-03-21Z06:56:56)
Signal on station IU.SFJD (Søndre Strømfjord, Greenland, made available via #earthscope and viewed using free #obspy software)
High frequency signal so tectonic. Classical Pn, Pg, Sn, Lg sequence for regional signals (about 300 km away)
#earthquake #greenland #earthscope #obspy
Earthquakes: Cross-correlation detector in #ObsPy is used to match a template from one seismic event to a longer trace from a seismometer, returning events which correlate above a user-defined threshold. Applying this to
#RaspiShake RD884, in Constantine, Cornwall, UK at a threshold of 0.80, I have identified 33 separate events in a swarm of multiplets (or repeaters) from the last week, identical earthquakes produced repeatedly from the same source. 12 of the events from this swarm have also been reported by #BGSSeismology. The largest event has a magnitude of 1.7, so they are all very small, although the M1.7 event was felt at the surface. The #ObsPy tutorial I followed is here: and
#BGSSeismology report the swarm here:
#raspishake #BGSseismology #obspy
Magnitude 5.2 #earthquake ca 30 minutes ago just west of #Bali #Indonesia (2022-12-13Z10:38)
Signal on station GE.JAGI (Jagag, Java, Indonesia) courtesy of @geofon and processed using free #obspy software from @obspy
#earthquake #bali #indonesia #obspy
A M5.8 #Earthquake 14 km NW of Ciranjang-hilir, Indonesia at 2022-12-08 00:50:58UTC recorded at 109.3° away in SW England and Brittany on #Raspishake and #BGSseismology networks, in the core shadow zone. See: Uses #obspy, #matplotlib & #folium libraries.
#earthquake #raspishake #BGSseismology #obspy #matplotlib #folium
Noticias sobre Python científico de la semana, episodio 56 🐍 ⚙️
En resumen: Nuevas versiones de ObsPy y Polars, Python para la industria aseguradora, 40 métodos de detección de anomalías, vuelve la JupyterCon, y oferta Black Friday Apoya el noticiero suscribiéndote por correo 📬
#python #scipy #numpy #jupyter #obspy #pyod #polars #pydata #jupytercon
#jupytercon #PyData #polars #pyod #obspy #jupyter #numpy #SciPy #python
Noticias sobre Python científico de la semana, episodio 56 🐍 ⚙️
En resumen: Nuevas versiones de ObsPy y Polars, Python para la industria aseguradora, 40 métodos de detección de anomalías, vuelve la JupyterCon, y oferta Black Friday Apoya el noticiero suscribiéndote por correo 📬
#python #scipy #numpy #jupyter #obspy #pyod #polars #pydata #jupytercon
#jupytercon #PyData #polars #pyod #obspy #jupyter #numpy #SciPy #python
Noticias sobre Python científico de la semana, episodio 56 🐍 ⚙️
En resumen: Nuevas versiones de ObsPy y Polars, Python para la industria aseguradora, 40 métodos de detección de anomalías, vuelve la JupyterCon, y oferta Black Friday Apoya el noticiero suscribiéndote por correo 📬
#python #scipy #numpy #jupyter #obspy #pyod #polars #pydata #jupytercon
#jupytercon #PyData #polars #pyod #obspy #jupyter #numpy #SciPy #python
Magnitude 5.4 #earthquake in the #SolomonIslands It is a bit offshore so hopefully not dangerous - too small to generate any significant tsunami.
Signal at the very close station IU.HNR (about 60 km away) obtained from #IRIS using #obspy software (@obspy)
There are several smaller aftershocks if you look carefully at a longer data segment. I will leave that as an exercise for you!
#earthquake #solomonislands #iris #obspy
Magnitude 4.5 #earthquake in the remote far North East of #Canada about 90 minutes ago (2022-11-19Z10:24) Signal at station CN.POIN (Pond Inlet, Canada) Data courtesy of #NaturalResourcesCanada and obtained from #IRIS using #obspy software ... only the lines of python you see.
High regional signal with regional P and S phases (about 100 km distance).
#earthquake #canada #naturalresourcescanada #iris #obspy
I should have acknowledged that the plot is a time frequency representation created using the plot_tfr function in #ObsPy.
We're finalizing a new #obspy feature release version 1.4.0, which will get tagged during the next couple of days.
If anybody wants to test it, release candidate is on test.pypi:
Two tiny #Earthquakes reported in #Cornwall, UK, on 2022-10-25 in Penpol on the Fal estuary and 2022-10-26 near Portreath on the north coast. Responses were seen on the local #Raspishake network. See: & Uses #ObsPy & #MatPlotLib.
#raspishake #obspy #earthquakes #cornwall #matplotlib
M5.2 #Earthquake 23 km ENE of Dipayal, Nepal at 2022-11-12 14:27:05UTC recorded on the Nepali Schools #RaspberryShake network in Nepal. See: Uses #ObsPy, #MatPlotLib & #GoogleEarthPro.
#earthquake #raspberryshake #matplotlib #obspy #GoogleEarthPro
Magnitude 5.3 #earthquake in #Nepal almost exactly one hour ago (2022-11-12Z14:27). It comes four days after a 5.6 which caused significant damage and several fatalities. It is a reminder that earthquake hazard is not dominated by the very largest earthquakes - they are few and far between. The most lives are taken by "medium sized" quakes. Data obtained from #IRIS using #obspy
#earthquake #nepal #iris #obspy
Responses to today's M7 earthquake from the Fiji region at 2022-11-12 07:09:14UTC recorded in SW England and Brittany, France on the
#raspishake and #BGSseismology networks. See: Uses #obspy, #matplotlib & folium libraries.
#obspy #raspishake #matplotlib #BGSseismology
Selected responses across the British Isles to today's M7 earthquake in Fiji 2022-11-12 07:09:14UTC recorded on #raspishake citizen science seismometers, plotted using #obspy, #matplotlib, folium.
#obspy #matplotlib #raspishake
Section from today's M7 earthquake in the Fiji region at 2022-11-12 07:09:14UTC recorded across the globe on the #raspishake citizen science seismometer network. See: Uses #obspy, #matplotlib
#matplotlib #raspishake #obspy
@freemo at well as downloading and playing with #obspy, which is highly recommended, you can see professionally produced versions of this plot, using more seismometers at #iris here: and lots of further information from them here: My plot uses citizen science data collected from many private #raspishake seismometers across the globe.
Today's M7.3 Tonga region earthquake at 2022-11-11 10:48:45UTC recorded in the British Isles on the #raspishake #seismometer network. See: Uses #obspy, #matplotlib & folium libraries. Waves travelled via the core.
#raspishake #obspy #matplotlib #seismometer