Had a good day in the world of #obstetricAnaesthesia I was lucky enough to help 2 of colleagues bring their babies into the world. One chose an elective section the other an epidural. Both had the birth experience they wanted. Such a privilege to be part of their story. It doesn’t matter how you deliver as long as you & your baby are both safe and well. #obstetricAnaesthesia #Epidural #Spinal #ElectiveSection #ChristmasBabies #lucky #FriendsAndColleagues
#obstetricanaesthesia #epidural #spinal #electivesection #christmasbabies #lucky #friendsandcolleagues
@amydiehl This is so true. I work in maternal health and women of colour have significant higher morbidity & mortality. This is often down to systemic racial bias. As an individual I am aware of this and try to make sure I listen, respect and believe my patients of all colours! #mbbraceReport #MaternalHealth #MaternalCare #ObstetricMedicine #obstetricAnaesthesia #MaternalMedicine #RacialBias
#mbbracereport #maternalhealth #maternalcare #obstetricmedicine #obstetricanaesthesia #maternalmedicine #racialbias
@auscandoc I agree this isn’t good but neither is a poorly staffed maternity service without the necessary resources - maternity theatres, scrub staff, obstetricians, Anaesthetists & midwives all of whom are practicing regularly, fully trained and experienced. Not to mention on-site blood bank & all their staff & oh I nearly forgot neonates! What compromises can be made? #MaternityCare #PatientSafety #OckendenReport #RuralMaternityCare #ObstetricMedicine #ObstetricAnaesthesia
#maternitycare #patientsafety #ockendenreport #ruralmaternitycare #obstetricmedicine #obstetricanaesthesia