The music of #zelda #ocarina of time is not only nostalgic but also very iconic to me. The super guitar brothers made a great acoustic cover of it.
Worms 1 /Worms United theme #vgm #ocarina #VideogameMusic #team17 #dos
#vgm #ocarina #videogamemusic #team17 #dos
[C] Leebe TF into Lugia
A commission for Playing this ocarina lets you turn into a Lugia and back to human. Be careful to not drop-- ahh, too late!
Thanks so much for your patronage!
Image Description:
A young man, Leebe, turning into a Lugia. He is standing in front of a blurred painting of stone pillars.
He is barefoot. His left foot is mostly human, but the right foot has swelled and silvered. His toes have merged and lengthened into three digits.
His long shorts are ripping through the force of his swelling thighs. A long tail with a blue plate snakes out behind him.
The blue hoodie he's wearing is unzipped, but the zipper itself is holding fast. His visibly enlarging belly is turning blue.
His right sleeve has completely shredded and is dangling loose over a limb that is more wing than arm. His left arm is stretching and growing; his fingers are joining into feather-like digits.
His neck has grown quite long and his face has morphed to a large beak. Mask-like plates surround his eyes, and a silver point at the back of his head is visible through his brown hair.
= == === == =
Please fave, comment, and watch -- it's really appreciated!
Drawn in on iPad Pro
#transformation #tfeveryday #tf #pokemon #lugia #ocarina #movie #pokemonthemovie2000 #thepowerofone #pillars #commission
#transformation #tfeveryday #tf #pokemon #lugia #ocarina #movie #pokemonthemovie2000 #thepowerofone #pillars #commission
Super Spike V'Ball Daytona #NES #videogames #VideogameMusic #vgm #Ocarina #Nintendo
#nes #videogames #videogamemusic #vgm #ocarina #nintendo
For the first time in years, I can say I made time to play the #ocarina after having (and impulsively taking) the opportunity to get one with a different design compared to the one I’ve had for over a decade (mentioned in the alt text).
As someone who is not only right-handed but whose left-hand dexterity is also impacted by disability, I knew back then that it wouldn’t be an easy instrument for me to play, and it still isn’t, but it’s the slightest bit easier, and that makes all the difference.
Today's #DailySketch is a warmup before I get into finishing up some other projects I've been working on! Inspired by Calli's recent Pokemon 2000 piece, and that I found one of my old ocarinas today!
It's funny, Pokemon was one of the reasons I continued playing music, even after the mandatory year of playing the recorder in elementary school. "Power of One" was one of the first songs I learned, along side the Pokemon theme song and all the ocarina songs from Ocarina of Time!
Also decided to be a bit more bunny today, as the ocarina reminded me of one of my World of Darkness characters. She was Fae-touched. Given aspects of a rabbit and fox. But she played music, specifically an ocarina that she managed to hold on to though out the many years trapped in the Fae's domain.
#ocarina #music #jacket #rabbit #bunny #bnnuy #Vee #Leebe #Furryart #MastoArt
#dailysketch #ocarina #music #jacket #rabbit #bunny #bnnuy #vee #leebe #furryart #mastoart
Today's video is two versions of the Pavane from Orchésographie, "Belle Qui Tiens Ma Vie" - one on transverse ocarina :transverse_ocarina: and ukulele :ukulele:, and one on four-part pendant ocarina harmony :pendant_ocarina:.
#ocarina #ukulele #music #folkmusic #renaissancemusic
Today's video is two versions of the Pavane from Orchésographie, "Belle Qui Tiens Ma Vie" - one on transverse ocarina :transverse_ocarina: and ukulele :ukulele:, and one on four-part pendant ocarina harmony :pendant_ocarina:.
#ocarina #ukulele #music #folkmusic #renaissancemusic
Kotaku: Twitch Streamer Made A Zelda Ocarina His Chat Can Play During Pee Breaks #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #videogamelivestreaming #entertainmentculture #actionadventuregames #thelegendofzelda #princesszelda #streamer #ocarina #twitch #link #zfg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #videogamelivestreaming #entertainmentculture #actionadventuregames #thelegendofzelda #princesszelda #streamer #ocarina #twitch #link #zfg
@Brutus @TimWardCam
🥥 I'll tell you just how frustrated a musician I am, Timotei:
The only musical instruments that I can play are tambourine, cowbell, ocarina, and kazoo -- badly.
And I'm lying about the #ocarina.
I have a learning disability that prevented me from reading music -- though I LOVE all kinds of the stuff. 🥥
Roboticized Zelda Ocarina Plays Itself - [3DSage] has long been obsessed with a certain type of musical instrument after pl... - #musicalinstrument #musicalhacks #self-playing #ocarina
#ocarina #self #musicalhacks #musicalinstrument
A sneak preview of my next book, which is going to be Orchésographie for #ocarina, with harmony arrangements including this one based on Peter Warlock's Capriol Suite. I've finished writing out the music - now I just have to proof-read it and correct all the inevitable typos! No release date yet, but hopefully it'll be ready in a month or two.
#ocarina #music #workinprogress
Hola! Así es, otra persona que viene de Twitter y que busca nuevos aires y conocer nuevas personas.
Y esta es mi #introducción para que me puedan conocer un poquit.
Me llamo Hans Reyes y me gusta mucho ver #peliculas, bueno me gusta el #cine en general. Siempre me gustó ver películas desde que tengo memoria, pero ese amor por el cine comenzó a los 12 años cuando vi por primera la película de Tiburón.
También me gusta escuchar todo tipo de #música, no soy de las personas que se molestan o evitan escuchar algún tipo de música en específico. Todo lo contrario, me gusta disfrutar de las diferentes canciones.
Me gusta mucho los #videojuegos, me suelen gustar los de temática de guerra, acción, aventura y especialmente tengo un amor/odio por los #souls. Este amor nació por #Zelda y fue por el #Ocarina pero aumentó aún más cuando juego el #MajorasMask.
Le comenté un poco sobre mis gustos y como ya lo habia comentado, vengo aquí a comocer personas y nuevos vibras. ✌️
#introduccion #peliculas #cine #musica #videojuegos #souls #zelda #ocarina #majorasmask
@rotfarm I once was 100% lured into a vendor tent at KC RenFest by the sweet sounds of Ocarina of Time. I found myself mindlessly beelining straight into the vendor tent. I awoke staring at two or three creators/vendors sitting in their booth of sweet potato ocarinas. And, it’s like “oh, shit, how’d I get here? Sorry y’all I don’t have the $$ for a sweet potato ocarina right now, but props to the siren song.” I regret not having the money to support the endeavor since I don’t think they returned. I actually think about them all the time. #Zelda #OcarinaOfTime #KCRenFest #Ocarina
#zelda #ocarinaoftime #kcrenfest #ocarina
#Ocarina of Time - 12 hole Alto C Ocarina - #instrument #music #3dprinting #diy
#ocarina #instrument #music #3dprinting #diy
Studio no. 4 - Moderato
(Studi per ocarina, Cesare Testi)
© 2023 CC-BY 4.0 musikiwen
#ocarina #recording #grabación #freemusic #músicalibre #CreativeCommons #ccmusic #MastoMusic #MastoArt
#ocarina #recording #grabacion #freemusic #musicalibre #CreativeCommons #ccmusic #mastomusic #MastoArt
Studio no. 3 - Allegro
(Studi per ocarina, Cesare Testi)
© 2023 CC-BY 4.0 musikiwen
#ocarina #recording #grabación #freemusic #músicalibre #CreativeCommons #ccmusic
#ocarina #recording #grabacion #freemusic #musicalibre #CreativeCommons #ccmusic
Wave your wands, fam! 🧚♀️ The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is MAGICAL! ✨ Unleashing my inner warrior with Nintendo's finest! 💪 Grab your #Ocarina, let's save Hyrule together! 🎮 #LegendOfZelda #NintendoSwitch #GamerFairy #AdventureTime #Hyrule #FairyGodmotherGaming #MagicInEveryQuest #BitBook
#ocarina #legendofzelda #nintendoswitch #gamerfairy #adventuretime #hyrule #fairygodmothergaming #magicineveryquest #bitbook
Kotaku: Nintendo Says Breath Of The Wild Is The Legend of Zelda’s Blueprint Moving Forward #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #openworldvideogames #thelegendofzelda #princesszelda #videogaming #watertemple #eijiaonuma #videogames #nintendo #ocarina
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #openworldvideogames #thelegendofzelda #princesszelda #videogaming #watertemple #eijiaonuma #videogames #nintendo #ocarina