Chicken :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
580 followers · 5020 posts · Server

awake for the sunrise
✍️ fic by

πŸŒ… /
πŸŒ… 6k, Explicit, post canon
πŸŒ… After reuniting on the moutaintop, WWX and LWJ get a room in an inn
πŸŒ… Why has it taken them so long to get to this point?
πŸŒ… My favourite part is where it goes from sleepy makeout to spooning to uh-oh sexy grinding
πŸŒ… That sudden snap from sleepy to urgent, yes plz



#occultings #theuntamed #lanwangji #weiwuxian #FicRec

Last updated 1 year ago

Chicken :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
498 followers · 4254 posts · Server

come home to my heart
✍️ fic by

🏑 /
🏑 30k, Mature, canon divergence
🏑 After sunshot, wx get hit by a bodyswap curse
🏑 Impersonation shenanigans
🏑 romance, adventure, sexytimes



#occultings #theuntamed #modaozushi #lanwangji #weiwuxian #FicRec

Last updated 1 year ago

Chicken :cqlgusu: · @lookitmychicken
402 followers · 2890 posts · Server

Fentao-laoshi's Guide to Cut-Sleeve Pleasures
✍️ fic by

πŸ“™ /
πŸ“™ 32k, Explicit, canon divergent
πŸ“™ While studying at Cloud Recesses, WWX tells JC & NHS that he needs to kiss a man
πŸ“™ This will help him learn to be good at sex for his future wife
πŸ“™ LZ overhears and seizes the opportunity to volunteer his services
πŸ“™ Lots of pining and sex
πŸ“™ Delicious


#occultings #modaozushi #lanwangji #weiwuxian #FicRec #ficrecfebruary #wangxian #mdzs #nsfw

Last updated 2 years ago

bend me back, send me flying
✍️ fic by

😍 /
😍 9k, Explicit
😍 Soon after getting together, they get frisky at an inn
😍 Unusual beverages may be involved
😍 LZ wants to try something new
😍 WY gets thoroughly debauched


#occultings #mdzs #lanwangji #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #wangxian #nsfw #aphrodisiacs #postcanon #establishedrelationship #kinkexploration #marathonsex

Last updated 2 years ago

i'll be ringing in your ears
✍️ fic by

πŸ§₯ / # WeiWuxian
πŸ§₯ 22k, Explicit
πŸ§₯ Inexperienced WY blindfolds herself and dares anyone at the party to kiss her
πŸ§₯ WY thinks she's straight
πŸ§₯ Super hot gay awakening


#occultings #mdzs #theuntamed #lanwangji #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #wangxian #genderbend #queerawakening #gettingtogether #comphet #identityreveal

Last updated 2 years ago