“The accused visited our house in June 2022 on the pretext of correcting Vastu defects. Gradually, he gained the trust of my mother by assuring her that he would solve all her problems and started visiting our house frequently,” the woman stated in her FIR
#Occultist #SexuallyHarassingWoman #Lucknow
#occultist #sexuallyharassingwoman #lucknow
if you come to me acting like #someone who is a #brainwashed & #occultist #cultist, #you deserve this:
:antifa_100: :af:
#someone #brainwashed #occultist #cultist #you
if you're an #occultist and read #SFF, and you haven't read @maxgladstone 's CRAFT SEQUENCE (and subsequent books in the same setting), i VERY strongly recommend. possibly especially if you work in tech and/or law.
The Victorian #Occultist Accused of Killing Men With Her Mind
Pioneering #feminist and #AnimalRights campaigner Anna Kingsford was one of the 19th century's most remarkable women. Then she was charged with using black magic to murder 2 vivisectionists
by Dee Cunning, 2018
Crowley said that Kingsford “did more in the religious world than any other person had done for generations." Tarot author "Mary Greer called her the mother of the #GoldenDawn"
#occultist #feminist #animalrights #goldendawn #occulthistory
A fixture of the London occult scene, Rollo Ahmed counted among his friends #occultist Aleister Crowley. Ahmed also wrote about racism he encountered in London in his autobiography: "Ahmed relays his life of negative racial encounters in 1930’s London. Situations such as, landlords refusing to rent him rooms and apartment, even just a room for shelter on a cold night, harassed by the police Ahmed was jailed several times for fraud."
#Racism #BlackHistory #OccultHistory
#occultist #racism #blackhistory #occulthistory
Rollo Ahmed, Black #Occultist
by James Goodridge
"Born in 1899 to an Egyptian father & Guyanese mother, Abdul Said Ahmed aka Rollo Ahmed had a considerable presence in the occult community of London during the 1930’s"
Ahmed's book "The Black Arts" was published in 1936. According to article author, it was the "definitive text on the occult world." Topics include: Egyptian, Greek and Roman magic, as well as "witchcraft and vampirism".
#BlackHistory #OccultHistory
#occultist #blackhistory #occulthistory
More about Paschal Beverly Randolph (October 8, 1825 – July 29, 1875):
"You may not know his name. You may not know what he did, but if you’re a black #occultist? If you enjoy esoteric wisdom? You should. Paschal Beverly Randolph, was a #spiritualist, occultist, sex magician and the founder of the first (accepted history) Rosicrucian order in North America."
#occultist #spiritualist #blackhistory #occulthistory
Did You Know...
Charles #Babbage, the inventor of the first #computer, was an #occultist who tried to summon #Satan with his own blood, among other things.
Who knew??
#babbage #computer #occultist #satan
7 Days Sober from today ❤️
I do smoke #Cannabis while in my Alcohol recovery.
•Everyone is different, I have an alcohol problem not a weed problem...
#weed #dank #420 #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #stoner #recovery #alcoholic #alcoholism #addict #addiction #addictionrecovery #recoverydiary #handsome #malebeauty #hunk #lgbt #lgbtq #twink #malemodel #journey #wiccan #wicca #satan #satanic #satanist #churchofsatan #satanicbible #lucifer #luciferian #thedevil #witchcraft #occult #occultist
#cannabis #weed #dank #cannabiscommunity #cannabisculture #stoner #recovery #alcoholic #alcoholism #addict #addiction #addictionrecovery #recoverydiary #handsome #malebeauty #hunk #lgbt #lgbtq #twink #malemodel #journey #wiccan #wicca #satan #satanic #Satanist #churchofsatan #satanicbible #lucifer #luciferian #thedevil #witchcraft #occult #occultist
Any other #herbalists #plantpeople #animists #polytheists #pagans #heathens #witches or other #occultist #magicalpeople on this site? Let’s be friends 💚🌱
#herbalists #plantpeople #animists #polytheists #pagans #heathens #witches #occultist #magicalpeople
[edit: woops messed up the link. how did i end up with a 7 instead of a / haha .. okay its good now.]
This was intended for halloween Only...
But! thanks to the hard work of dozens of covens of lovins'....
Every Day Is Hallowee'een~!
Beware~! This sonic journey may leave you forever transformed...
into an Unstoppable Party Animal~!
Listen to h(A)unt(E)d by poisonmixr on #SoundCloud
#HardCore #PunkaDelic #Haunted #Halloween #Dance #Party #MixTape #Punk #Ska #HxC #Metal #HipHop #Techno #Rock #Emo #RockaBilly #PsychoBilly #Trance #EDM #Reggae #Rap #Trippy #Stoner #Doom #Witchy #Goth #Magic #Psychedelic #Funky #Funk #AfroBeat #Reggaeton #KYLR #Anarchist #Anarchy #Antifascist #AudioJourney #SoundJourney #SonicJourney #AllNight #Ghosts #Ghouls #Goblins #Witches. #Wizards #Looters #PieThrowers #Pirates #Lunar #LunarPunk #TheMoon #Fire #ACAB #Solidarity #PNW #PDX #UnderWorld #AfterLife #PostLife #PostMortal #Vampires #WereWolves #Feminist #Occultist #BadAss #Radical #StraightEdge #SxE #Vegan #Cannabis #Sober #PartySafe #StayHomeStaySafe #StaySafe #TestYourDrugs #NeverUseAlone #CallAFriend #WeProtectUs #TransLifeline #RedAndBlack
#soundcloud #hardcore #punkadelic #haunted #halloween #dance #party #Mixtape #punk #ska #HxC #metal #hiphop #techno #rock #emo #rockabilly #psychobilly #Trance #edm #reggae #rap #trippy #stoner #doom #witchy #goth #magic #psychedelic #funky #funk #afrobeat #reggaeton #kylr #Anarchist #anarchy #antifascist #audiojourney #soundjourney #sonicjourney #allnight #ghosts #ghouls #goblins #witches #wizards #looters #piethrowers #pirates #lunar #lunarpunk #themoon #fire #acab #solidarity #pnw #pdx #underworld #afterlife #postlife #Postmortal #vampires #werewolves #feminist #occultist #badass #radical #straightedge #sxe #Vegan #cannabis #sober #partysafe #stayhomestaysafe #staysafe #testyourdrugs #neverusealone #callafriend #weprotectus #TransLifeline #redandblack
This was intended for halloween Only...
But! thanks to the hard work of dozens of covens of lovins'....
Every Day Is Hallowee'een~!
Beware~! This sonic journey may leave you forever transformed...
into an Unstoppable Party Animal~!
Listen to h(A)unt(E)d by poisonmixr on #SoundCloud
#HardCore #PunkaDelic #Haunted #Halloween #Dance #Party #MixTape #Punk #Ska #HxC #Metal #HipHop #Techno #Rock #Emo #RockaBilly #PsychoBilly #Trance #EDM #Reggae #Rap #Trippy #Stoner #Doom #Witchy #Goth #Magic #Psychedelic #Funky #Funk #AfroBeat #Reggaeton #KYLR #Anarchist #Anarchy #Antifascist #AudioJourney #SoundJourney #SonicJourney #AllNight #Ghosts #Ghouls #Goblins #Witches. #Wizards #Looters #PieThrowers #Pirates #Lunar #LunarPunk #TheMoon #Fire #ACAB #Solidarity #PNW #PDX #UnderWorld #AfterLife #PostLife #PostMortal #Vampires #WereWolves #Feminist #Occultist #BadAss #Radical #StraightEdge #SxE #Vegan #Cannabis #Sober #PartySafe #StayHomeStaySafe #StaySafe #TestYourDrugs #NeverUseAlone #CallAFriend #WeProtectUs #TransLifeline #RedAndBlack
#soundcloud #hardcore #punkadelic #haunted #halloween #dance #party #Mixtape #punk #ska #HxC #metal #hiphop #techno #rock #emo #rockabilly #psychobilly #Trance #edm #reggae #rap #trippy #stoner #doom #witchy #goth #magic #psychedelic #funky #funk #afrobeat #reggaeton #kylr #Anarchist #anarchy #antifascist #audiojourney #soundjourney #sonicjourney #allnight #ghosts #ghouls #goblins #witches #wizards #looters #piethrowers #pirates #lunar #lunarpunk #themoon #fire #acab #solidarity #pnw #pdx #underworld #afterlife #postlife #Postmortal #vampires #werewolves #feminist #occultist #badass #radical #straightedge #sxe #Vegan #cannabis #sober #partysafe #stayhomestaysafe #staysafe #testyourdrugs #neverusealone #callafriend #weprotectus #TransLifeline #redandblack
I should be able to watch a football game with my family without being recruited to join a deadly mind-control #cult.
#Scientology was created by #occultist con man and shitty #scifi author L. Ron Hubbard. It is a #freemason-like “secret society” combined with an #MLM pyramid scheme combined with mind-control techniques he learned from his Satanist friends.
It has ruined the lives of millions of people and should be shut down not pushed into my CHILDREN’S BRAINS ON THANKSGIVING. 😡
#cult #Scientology #occultist #scifi #Freemason #mlm
Greetings everyone. I am still hanging out here, just for the last couple of days this app has said off-line, and I couldn't post anything. I still love it. Planning on being more active here as time goes.#Occultist #LeftHandPath #MagicPractitioner #GirlieStyle
#girliestyle #magicpractitioner #lefthandpath #occultist
hashtags for #occult #occultist #occultists who are #sidereal #vedic #jyotish #astrologers who study #astrology and #tarot and want to find others who do the same. hi
#occult #occultist #occultists #sidereal #vedic #Jyotish #astrologers #astrology #tarot
i am mal & this is an #introduction i suppose?
pronouns = she/they
i am:
- likely #neurodivergent in addition to being #depressed #anxious & terribly #awkward
- a #cataloging #librarian
- writing fanfiction for #dnd & #ffxiv (since 2020 after a 15 year hiatus)
- a practicing #polytheist #heathen, #seiðkona, & #occultist
- a dabbler in many things besides #writing, #magic, & #gaming including but not limited to: #herbalism #tarot #beadwork #embroidery #criticalrole #anime #pkm & #programming
#programming #pkm #anime #criticalrole #embroidery #beadwork #tarot #herbalism #gaming #magic #writing #occultist #seiðkona #heathen #polytheist #ffxiv #dnd #librarian #cataloging #awkward #anxious #depressed #neurodivergent #introduction