Ramon Taback · @ramontaba
34 followers · 321 posts · Server toad.social

Stories of Ukrainians who survived under occupation need to be heard. Here's one of them, a testimony of Victoria Shcherbak, a teacher from , region, who was held in Russian during the in 2022, along with her minor daughter and husband.

#Russian #balakliya #Kharkiv #captivity #occupation #RussianWarCrimes #Ukraine #genocide

Last updated 1 year ago

Israel doesn't just occupy Palestinian land, but also Palestinian airspace, denying Palestinians their right to their own an airport. Not only does this force Palestinians into grueling travel through land borders, but it's part of the larger collective punishment that restricts Palestinians' movement, and works to isolate the population from each other and the world.

#israel #palestine #occupation #apartheid #colonization #palestinianamerican #travel #travelvlog

Last updated 1 year ago

openDemocracy · @openDemocracy
4958 followers · 592 posts · Server newsie.social

Inside Russia’s sham ‘election’ in the occupied Ukrainian territories

This year, Russia’s elections include shameless ‘votes’ in Donetsk and Luhansk. Here’s how they're being manipulated.


#Democracy #ukraine #russia #elections #donetsk #luhansk #Kremlin #war #occupation

Last updated 1 year ago

Barrio TĂŒmpeltown · @tuempeltown
239 followers · 99 posts · Server kolektiva.social

+++ Folgt dem TĂŒmpeltown Ticker! +++
(english below)

Der Herbst rĂŒckt immer nĂ€her und damit auch die Rodungssaison. Ab Oktober mĂŒssen wir damit rechnen, dass der kapitalistische Staat die Leinemasch angreift um sie fĂŒr den klimaschĂ€dlichen SĂŒdschnellweg-Ausbau zu zerstören. Und damit weiter an neokolonialer und fossiler Verkehrspolitik festhĂ€lt statt auf eine sozial- und klimagerechte MobilitĂ€tswende hinzuarbeiten.

Folgt unserem Ticker auf Telegram
um direkt ohne Verzögerung mitzubekommen, wenn es losgeht. Lasst uns gemeinsam gegen diese fossile Scheiße stellen!

Wir suchen noch Menschen, die wissen, wie Bridges zu anderen Messengern wie Element eingerichtet werden können. Gerne ne Mail an: barriotuempeltown@riseup.net

*** english ***

+++ Follow the TĂŒmpeltown Ticker +++

Autumn comes closer every day and with it the clearing season. From october on we have to expect the capitalist state to attack the Leinemasch, to destroy it for the climate-damaging expansion of the "SĂŒdschnellweg".
The capitalist state continues to pursue fossil neo-colonial mobility policies instead of working toward a socially and climate-just mobility transition.

Follow the Ticker on Telegram
to be able to know directly without delay, when it starts. Let us stand against this fossil bullshit together!

We are still looking for people, that know how to install bridges to other messangers like Element. Contact us: barriotuempeltown@riseup.net

#LeinemaschBleibt #tumpeltownbleibt #kapitalismusistklimaterrorismus #capitalismisclimateterrorism #sudschnellweg #hannover #waldbesetzung #KlimaGerechtigkeit #ClimateJustice #occupation #SystemChange

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
42 followers · 578 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Ooooo! The is really gonna be pissed off with this — being published!

“ committee releases exhaustive study on the legality of ’s occupation: ‘The study is the most comprehensive and persuasive analysis of why the Israel has now become illegal,’ says former UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk. ‘It will be the intellectual and political touchstone on and international law for some time.’”

by Jeff Wright in @mondoweiss

“Last week, the UN Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (CEIRPP) issued a study two years in the making: ‘The Legality of the of the , Including East .’”

“Following a finding of , the study concludes that, according to international law:

the consequences should be the immediate, unconditional and total withdrawal of Israel’s military forces; the withdrawal of colonial settlers; and the dismantling of the military administrative regime, with clear instructions that withdrawal of breach of an internationally wrongful act is not subject to negotiation. Full and commensurate reparations should be accorded to the affected Palestinian individuals, corporations and entities for the generational harm caused by Israel’s land and property appropriations, house demolitions, pillage of natural resources, denial of return, and other war crimes against humanity orchestrated for the colonialist, annexationists aims of an illegal occupant.”


#israellobby #un #israel #occupation #palestine #israeli #OccupiedTerritories #jerusalem #illegality #apartheidisrael #SettlerColonialism #illegaloccupation #ethniccleansing #genocide #racism #fascism #warcrimes #crimesagainsthumanity #childtorture #childmurder #sexualabuse #falseimprisonment #gazaconcentrationcamp #collectivepunishment #freepalestine

Last updated 1 year ago

FĂ©licien Breton · @breton
76 followers · 494 posts · Server mstdn.social
MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1915 followers · 4082 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History September 3, 1920: Workers took over and occupied nearly all the factories in Spezia, Italy, in opposition to both the bosses and the union leadership. 600,000 workers participated in the occupations. They continued operations, but under their leadership and control, rather than the bosses’. Their goal was to build the movement into a revolutionary General Strike and to create a workers’ socialist republic in which the workers controlled all industry. Union leadership, in collaboration with the government and plant owners, eventually convinced most workers to accept a sell-out deal. And by February, 1921, the owners went on the offensive against the workers, aided by Fascist thugs.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #italy #fascism #generalstrike #union #occupation #Revolution #socialism

Last updated 1 year ago

colporteur · @colporteur
393 followers · 1114 posts · Server piaille.fr

« C’est dangereux d’aller Ă  la contestation. On risque de perdre Ă  chaque fois, et de devoir payer des sommes folles ». « Cellule anti-ZAD » : le nouvel arsenal de l’IntĂ©rieur pour « faire obstacle » aux squats militants seenthis.net/messages/1015365

#occupation #campements #ecologie

Last updated 1 year ago

In another ridiculous week in America's favorite apartheid state, Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said Jewish settlers should have more rights to move around the West Bank than Arabs. Shocking, isn't it? It's not like he's a known Jewish supremacist or anything.

#israel #palestine #occupation #apartheid #colonization #settlements #westbank #gaza #idf #israeldefenseforce #middleeast #humanrights #internationallaw #arrests #violence #illegal #freepalestine #itamarbengvir

Last updated 1 year ago

Dom · @rhubarbsticks
3 followers · 41 posts · Server mastodon.ie

The debate is turning on 's system of, and suppression. The growing mountain of evidence is undeniable to those with a conscience and grasp on reality.

‘Accusing Israel of apartheid is not anti-Semitic’: Holocaust historian aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/27/a

#israel #apartheid #occupation

Last updated 1 year ago

Via Baltica · @viabaltica
69 followers · 552 posts · Server mstdn.social

's has fired Russian professor Andrey Desnitsky, who earlier denied the of the States. His work was funded by an international philanthropic family foundation.


#Baltic #occupation #soviet #University #Vilnius #Lithuania

Last updated 1 year ago

TDonoval · @xl8freelancer
89 followers · 400 posts · Server social.vivaldi.net

Despite their personal experience of 23 years of Russian , there are many people in who still do not understand that Russia is an evil empire.

The level of atrocities is incomparable between the two, but the message is clear: nothing has changed in the Russian Bear’s den.


#occupation #slovakia #august1968 #55yearsago #otd #russia #czechoslovakia #neverforget #evilempire #operationdanube

Last updated 1 year ago

Via Baltica · @viabaltica
69 followers · 546 posts · Server mstdn.social

The Estonian nation has never been extinguished despite having once lost through , 's President Alar Karis noted in his speech on the country's 32nd Independence Restoration Day. At the same time, he stressed that the Estonian people needed "more clarity" and "less noise."


#estonia #occupation #independence

Last updated 1 year ago

Preston Werner · @pjw
88 followers · 154 posts · Server fediphilosophy.org

Hey all,
In my previous post, I asked if people would be interested in a weekly news round-up of what's going on in Israel/Palestine with a focus on the occupation. I got a moderate response - not overwhelming, but enough that I want to try it. So here is a much shortened version of what such a thing would look like, for the last week (August 13-20, 2023):

In a case of unbelievable police brutality, Palestinian Arwah Sheikh Ali, accused of dealing drugs in East Jerusalem, was terribly beaten and allegedly branded with the Star Of David (CW: Picture of branding in article). ALL 16 arresting officers "forgot" to turn their body cameras on. Sheikh Ali has since been released.

Protests against the government's judicial reform laws continued into its 33rd week. (The anti-occupation bloc continues to join them as...perhaps frenemies is the best way to describe it?)
Relatedly, American Jewish and Israeli scholars have circulated a statement calling for the link between the Judicial Reform and the government's desire to expand the occupation to be made more explicit than it has been by the mainstream protest movement.
Statement here: sites.google.com/view/israel-e
For an analysis of the connections between the occupation and the reform, see here: 972mag.com/judicial-coup-reaso

Two Israelis were shot in a terrorist attack in the Palestinian town of Huwara haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-0
Huwara is the Palestinian town which the Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich called to be wiped out earlier this year, as well as the town subjected to two pogroms of Jewish Settlers this year while IDF soldiers looked on, resulting in many injuries and one Palestinian death. (see here - timesofisrael.com/israel-shoul and here - edition.cnn.com/2023/06/15/mid )
I would not be surprised to see another pogrom very soon, unfortunately.

The aforementioned Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich, himself a settler, has requested $180 million to expand settlements. (See: timesofisrael.com/report-smotr )
This is part of Smotrich's long term "decisive plan" to increase the amount of Jewish settlers living in the West Bank from 500,000 to 1 million. (See (paywalled) - haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-0
Doubling the settler population will be an immense task, but the funding that he wants for it will likely be approved, given the current make up of the coalition government.

Finally, here is an interview with Rafah Ghaith-Sub Laban, the son of a woman who was recently evicted from her East Jerusalem home. 972mag.com/ghaith-sub-laban-je

Do let me know if I've missed something important!

#israel #palestine #occupation #idf #westbank

Last updated 1 year ago

Liberal Zionist groups in the US are begging President Joe Biden to save Israel from itself. Mondoweiss' Phil Weiss and Michael Arria break down the impact of Israel's judicial reforms on the increasingly fragile relationship between Israel and the US public.

#israellobby #aipac #zoa #conferenceofpresidents #judaism #uspolitics #hasbara #zionism #zionist #israel #palestine #diaspora #freespeech #rightwing #internationallaw #humanrights #occupation #idf #israeldefenseforces

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
824 followers · 37075 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"The use of the term 'apartheid' for is complicated. It's been used by 'liberal ' and 'left-wing zionists' to try and make the issue of the of Palestine as solely a one and not a settler land that is ours. However, the system in place within that occupation is factually one of . South lived through the same thing and preferred the term apartheid. It's not like the white weren't occupying land that wasn't theirs either. Either way, considering countless South African including Nelson Mandela's grandson decided to go ahead and call the occupation of Palestine a system of apartheid, while calling it an occupation and declaring that ALL of Palestine should be free, it becomes silly to even try to argue with that, you just don't have a foothold."


#palestine #zionists #occupation #racism #genocidal #colony #occupying #apartheid #africans #people #activisits

Last updated 1 year ago

Laurent Espitallier · @frenchhope
569 followers · 12882 posts · Server framapiaf.org

Une étude révÚle que 31 % des travailleurs en France passent plus de temps à paraßtre occupés qu'à effectuer un travail réel et productif, en raison de la façon dont la productivité est mesurée emploi.developpez.com/actu/347

#1st #societe #productivite #occupation #travail #france #etude

Last updated 1 year ago

Preston Werner · @pjw
88 followers · 154 posts · Server fediphilosophy.org

Would people around these parts be interested in a weekly-ish link round-up of what is going on in Israel/Palestine, especially with respect to the Occupation? I'm living in Jerusalem,following things anyway, and somewhat active with resistance (though more just in touch with people who are very active) so I could easily do something like this.
On the other hand, I don't want to clog up people's timelines! Throw me a 'Favorite' if you would actually find something like this useful.

#israel #palestine #occupation #apartheid

Last updated 1 year ago

Will the US ever condition aid to Israel? Israel's ongoing judicial reforms have sparked significant controversy, not only within Israel itself but also among US lawmakers. Mondoweiss' Phil Weiss says the Israel lobby is in '"complete disarray."

#israeljudicialreforms #israellobby #aipac #zoa #conferenceofpresidents #judaism #uspolitics #hasbara #zionism #zionist #israel #palestine #diaspora #freespeech #rightwing #canarymission #internationallaw #humanrights #occupation #idf

Last updated 1 year ago

Samy · @yamstersam
45 followers · 164 posts · Server labyrinth.social

@I_Like_Books I’m hoping Finland joining NATO and its recent election of a right-wing government isn’t the beginning of the end of its world-class success. I think the war combined with high inflation spooked voters into an overreaction, but hopefully they can turn it around before too much damage is done.

#finland #USA #uspol #usmilitary #nato #occupation

Last updated 1 year ago