What a fabulous thread from Matthew Oliver on the #BirdApp !!
#PPE #occupationalhealth
#Masks #Medical
#birdapp #ppe #occupationalhealth #occupationalsafety #HealthAndSafety #masks #medical
⚙️ When Lorna McMurrey took a job at a marijuana production facility in Holyoke, Massachusetts, it was a central cog in her plan to level up her life.
#cannabisnews #occupationalhazards #OSHA #occupationalsafety #cannabis
#cannabisnews #occupationalhazards #osha #occupationalsafety #cannabis
I'm a #phdstudent and junior #education #edtech #researcher - especially #virtualreality #learning environments. I'm interested in #selfefficacy and other #cognitive and #affective factors in learning. I'm working on a #pedagogical model for using #immersiveVR for #occupationalsafety #training
Toot! :blobcathighfive:
#researchprojects #researchmethods #publications #educational #instructionaldesign #educationaltechnology #AR #XR #LearningCommunity
#introductions #introduction #phdstudent #education #edtech #researcher #virtualreality #learning #selfefficacy #cognitive #affective #pedagogical #immersiveVR #occupationalsafety #training #researchprojects #researchmethods #publications #educational #instructionaldesign #educationaltechnology #ar #xr #LearningCommunity
I'm a #PhDStudent and junior #education #edtech #researcher - especially #virtualReality #learning environments. I'm interested in #selfEfficacy and fascinated by #affective #learningGoals and #learningOutcomes. I'm working on a #pedagogical model for #immersiveVR in #occupationalSafety #safetyTraining. I also have a life, sometimes.
Toot! :blobcathighfive:
#researchProjects #researchMethods #instructionalDesign #educationalTechnology #AR #XR
Edit: camelCase
#introductions #introduction #phdstudent #education #edtech #researcher #virtualreality #learning #selfefficacy #affective #pedagogical #immersiveVR #occupationalsafety #researchprojects #researchmethods #instructionaldesign #educationaltechnology #ar #xr #learninggoals #learningoutcomes #safetytraining
RT @ADAPT_bulletin: #Artificialintelligence for #workermanagement: implications for #occupationalsafety and health > New @EU_OSHA report: https://osha.europa.eu/en/publications/artificial-intelligence-worker-management-implications-occupational-safety-and-health
@bollettinoADAPT @ADAPT_EOSH
#ArtificialIntelligence #WorkerManagement #occupationalsafety #AIWM #ESENER
RT @CESIpress: Welcoming inputs from @EU_OSHA at the Good Practice Exchange event on how to advance on #betterlegislation and #implementation of regulations on #occupationalsafety #healthyworkplaces #MSDs #allworkerscount
#betterlegislation #implementation #occupationalsafety #healthyworkplaces #MSDs #allworkerscount
Did you know?
1️⃣ in 4️⃣ homes in 🇧🇪 employ workers from the #ServiceVoucher sector.
Most of them are female workers that experience #occupationalsafety & health challenges.
📝Our publication offers practical solutions for improving their wellbeing.
👉 https://osha.europa.eu/en/publications/well-being-work-service-voucher-sector-belgium#pk_campaign=sm_
#ServiceVoucher #occupationalsafety