"Israel itself adopted the colonial emergency regulations that the British mandate enacted between 1945 and 1948. These are the defense emergency regulations promulgated by the British in mandatory Palestine in 1945. And these are still force, including in #Israel. And these are the regulations that apply to the #Palestinians."
#FrancescaAlbanese, UN Special Rapporteur on the #OccupiedPalestinianTerritories
Imprisoned #Palestine
#israel #palestinians #francescaalbanese #occupiedpalestinianterritories #palestine #OccupiedTerritories #prisons
#Genocide by trauma and attrition
#israel #palestine #occupiedpalestinianterritories #HumanRightsViolations #institutionalcorruption #institutionalracism #apartheid #illegaloccupation #illegalannexation #ethniccleansing #Genocide #bds #NonviolentCivilResistance