RT @OccupyICEPDX@twitter.com
We’re outside of the ICE building right now! Comrades are asking for food and drink donations, along with solidarity! #AbolishICE #OccupyICEPDX #occupyice
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OccupyICEPDX/status/1140878254523289600
#abolishice #occupyicepdx #occupyice
RT @OccupyICEPDX@twitter.com
Let’s #OccupyICEPDX!!
24 hours for the 24 killed by US border fascism.
Tonight, 8pm, 4310 aw Macadam ave.
Grab your comrades, spread the word, and show up! #AbolishICE #occupyice #EndFamilyDetention
#AbolishCBP #AbolishDHS #AbolishBorders #stopseparatingfamilies
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/OccupyICEPDX/status/1140724694347206656
#occupyicepdx #abolishice #occupyice #endfamilydetention #abolishcbp #abolishdhs #abolishborders #stopseparatingfamilies
It's Going Down: **This Is America #23: ICE Captures Mapache, Medic’s View of Portland**
"Welcome, to This Is America, August 8th, 2018. In this episode, we caught up with an organizer at #OccupyICE in San Antonio to talk about the State’s recent push to deport people who have been involved in their encampment. As the Intercept report…"
#AllOutAugust! Fight Fascism, but Keep the Pressure on the State #AllOutPDX #AllOutBayArea #DefendCville #AllOutDC #OccupyICE https://enoughisenough14.org/2018/08/01/all-out-for-august-fight-fascism-but-keep-the-pressure-on-the-state/
#occupyice #alloutdc #defendcville #alloutbayarea #alloutpdx #alloutaugust
It's Going Down: **This Is America #21: Fossil Fueled Firestorm, Resistance Heats Up**
"Welcome, to This Is America, July 29th, 2018. Today we’ll be wading through the latest Trump news, updates on large antifascist mobilizations, the latest developments in #OccupyICE, some inspiring examples of proletarian crime, and finally, a …"
Enough is Enough: **CrimethInc: #OccupyICE #Portland: Lessons from the Barricades Another Perspective**
"We (CrimethInc) are publishing one more analysis from participants in the blockade of the Portland facilities of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). After our previous reports, “The ICE Age Is Over…"
#bot #Anarchism #portland #occupyice
#AbolishICE #OccupyICE #Portland: Lessons from the Barricades Another Perspective https://enoughisenough14.org/2018/07/12/crimethinc-occupyice-portland-lessons-from-the-barricades-another-perspective/
#portland #occupyice #abolishice
A-Infos: **Us, macc.nyc: Call to #Occupy Icenyc / Llamada a Ocupar Ice**
"MACC is calling for an emergency occupation starting today, June 22nd, at 5 pm at the ICE processing center (201 Varick Street) in downtown Manhattan. Join us as the resistance from below mobilizes to #OccupyICE and sound the call that "No one is illegal!" ---- Friday, 6/22, 5 P.M. ---- 201 Varick Street, Manhat…"
#bot #Anarchism #occupyice #occupy
Enough is Enough: **#OccupyICE #Portland: Policing Revolution? Some Critical Reflections**
"We’ve received the following report from participants in the occupation around the Portland facilities of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). While our collective has no official position on issues internal to the occupatio…"
#bot #Anarchism #portland #occupyice
#OccupyICE #Portland: Policing Revolution? Some Critical Reflections #OccupyICEPDX #abolishICE https://enoughisenough14.org/2018/07/10/occupyice-portland-policing-revolution-some-critical-reflections/
#abolishice #occupyicepdx #portland #occupyice
It's Going Down: **This Is America #18: SF Attacks #OccupyICE, Anti-Antifa Bill**
"Cover photo from Demand Utopia Welcome, to This Is America, July 10th, 2018. In this episode we cover the headlines, and also hear from Juan about the recent eviction of #OccupyICESF. But first, let’s get to the news. Trump That Regime Tuesday, the…"
#bot #Anarchism #occupyicesf #occupyice
It's Going Down: **This Is America #17: J20 Ends, #DanAndSpit, Stonybrook, #OccupyICE**
"Welcome, to This Is America, July 7th, 2018. In this episode, we feature three interviews. First, an interview with Dr. Bones, a gonzo journalist and co-host of The Guillotine podcast out of Florida on the ongoing situation at the Stonybrook apartments …"
#bot #Anarchism #occupyice #danandspit
Anarchist News: **An anarchist report back and some embedded critiques of #OccupyICE Philadelphia**
"via Philly Anti-Capitalist Originally published by Philly Anti-Capitalist (Zine in PDF format). Written by some anarchists. Note: Enough is Enough is not organizing any of these events, we are publishing this text for pe…"
Enough is Enough: **An anarchist report back and some embedded critiques of #OccupyICE Philadelphia**
"Philadelphia: These texts were written in response to our various experience during the first day and night of OccupyICE. While the encampment has changed a lot since, we feel that the power dynamics and s…"
Enough is Enough: **Dispatch from #OccupyICE Philly – AB**
"On July 2nd, a coalition of groups in Philadelphia occupied the local ICE office. In what follows I offer a few quick sketches of the occupation. I was there at the opening of the march at City Hall at 5PM until I had to leave at 9, and then again the next day (July 3rd) at […]"
Dispatch from #OccupyICE #Philly – #AbolishICE #OccupyICEPHL https://enoughisenough14.org/2018/07/04/dispatch-from-occupyice-philly-ab/
#occupyicephl #abolishice #philly #occupyice
How Portland Occupiers Shut Down ICE https://www.doorbraak.eu/how-portland-occupiers-shut-down-ice/ #OccupyICE
Enough is Enough: **The #ICE Age Is Over – Reflections from the ICE Blockades #OccupyICE**
"Starting in mid-June, occupations sprang up around the United States in protest against ICE (US Immigration and Customs Enforcement). These occupations were a response to ICE policies which include separating families as they cros…"
#bot #Anarchism #occupyice #ice
The #ICE Age Is Over – Reflections from the ICE Blockades #OccupyICE #AbolishICE Reblogged from @CrimethInc https://enoughisenough14.org/2018/07/03/the-ice-age-is-over-reflections-from-the-ice-blockades-occupyice/
It's Going Down: **Til The Wheelers Fall Off: #OccupyICE & “Progressive” Repression**
"Yesterday morning, heavily armed Department of Homeland Security agents, aided by local Portland Police officers, began a partial raid of the #OccupyICEPDX encampment. At the time of this writing, the State has not succeeded in evicting the vast majority of those in tents surrounding the …"
#bot #Anarchism #occupyicepdx #occupyice