Flt: N207ST #OCE-#BED
First seen: 2023/05/31 09:52:07
Min Alt: 4907 ft AGL
Min Dist: 4.84 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
ICAO: A877D2
Flt: N645AD #MTN-#OCE
First seen: 2023/04/26 13:04:08
Min Alt: 1882 ft AGL
Min Dist: 3.0 mi
#planefence #adsb - docker:kx1t/planefence
The most worrisome concession IMO is the gutting of the #OCE to which many of the #InsurrectionCaucus were referred by the #January6thCmte.
“in the text was another provision that could be highly consequential…: language that would effectively gut the #OfficeOfCongressionalEthics…, as the independent panel faces pressure to investigate lawmakers who participated in the #Jan6 attack….”
#oce #insurrectioncaucus #january6thcmte #officeofcongressionalethics #jan6
House Republicans' First Order Of Business EVEN BEFORE KILLING IRS: Kill House 'Ethics' Office :) https://www.wonkette.com/house-republicans-first-order-of-business-even-before-killing-irs-kill-house-ethics-office
#Oce #Kevin_mccarthy #Paul_ryan #Lauren_boebert #Matt_gaetz #Andy_biggs #Scott_perry #Speaker_of_the_house #January_6 #Office_of_congressional_ethics
#Office_of_congressional_ethics #January_6 #Speaker_of_the_house #Scott_perry #Andy_biggs #Matt_gaetz #lauren_boebert #Paul_ryan #Kevin_mccarthy #oce
It helps to call if you are in the USA, no matter what party your Representative is -- the total volume of calls demonstrates public awareness.
You can log the call in defense of the #OfficeOfCongressionalEthics #OCE with #CommonCause here: https://act.commoncause.org/forms/log-your-call-save-ethics-protections-for-congress
#officeofcongressionalethics #oce #commoncause
@BruceMirken They tried to do it last time they had a majority, and backed down. We can get them to back down again. You can log a call in defense of the #OfficeOfCongressionalEthics #OCE with #CommonCause here: https://act.commoncause.org/forms/log-your-call-save-ethics-protections-for-congress
It helps to call if you are in the USA, no matter what party your Representative is.
#officeofcongressionalethics #oce #commoncause
@Cristiana If you haven't already, please make a call to your House member! You can log the call in defense of the #OfficeOfCongressionalEthics #OCE with #CommonCause here: https://act.commoncause.org/forms/log-your-call-save-ethics-protections-for-congress
It helps to call if you are in the USA, no matter what party your Representative is.
#officeofcongressionalethics #oce #commoncause
@mickeleh If you haven't already, please make a call to your House member! You can log the call in defense of the #OfficeOfCongressionalEthics #OCE with #CommonCause here: https://act.commoncause.org/forms/log-your-call-save-ethics-protections-for-congress
It helps to call if you are in the USA, no matter what party your Representative is.
#officeofcongressionalethics #oce #commoncause
@aweiss Consider joining #CommonCause and making a call to your House member; you can log the call in defense of the #OfficeOfCongressionalEthics #OCE here: https://act.commoncause.org/forms/log-your-call-save-ethics-protections-for-congress
It helps to call if you are in the USA, no matter what party your Representative is.
#commoncause #officeofcongressionalethics #oce
@ne1for23 @CREW #CommonCause is logging calls to Congress in defense of the #OfficeOfCongressionalEthics #OCE here: https://act.commoncause.org/forms/log-your-call-save-ethics-protections-for-congress
It helps to call if you are in the USA, no matter what party your Representative is.
#commoncause #officeofcongressionalethics #oce
Here the english translation of the article about the work we're doing in #FairCoop as #OCE together with a bunch of awesome people @bhaugen @mayel @lynnfoster
Qualche gg fa ho scritto un articolo sulla mia collaborazione con #faircoop e il software che stiamo costruendo con #oce
We just released #oce website.
It contains links to our documentation, to our app used inside #faircoop to manage economic activities inside the ecosystem and a link to our little, fresh component library ( https://kit.opencoopecosystem.net/ )
All is evolving - all is precarius <3