Ocean Conservancy is hiring! Seeking an early-career person with skills in developing coalitions and leading the production of coalition products! Details here: https://oceanconservancy.org/job/2023-142-climate-science-coordinator/ #climatejobs #oceanjobs #cdr #oceanCDR #environmentaljustice #OceanJustice
#climatejobs #oceanjobs #cdr #oceanCDR #environmentaljustice #OceanJustice
#Introduction post—I’m trained as a #carboncycle #scientist, both #observations and #models. Now I work in #sciencepolicy, focused on #climateaction and #evidencebased #decisionmaking. I’m based in the #usa but just about to go to #cop27 and present #ipcc report results on #ocean #climateimpacts and #adaptation. I’m also getting involved in #oceanCDR to advocate for high standards of evidence and a research #codeofconduct. I’m a voracious #reader and raising the next generation of #socialjustice / #climatejustice / #environmentaljustice warriors. Rock #music is our house’s soundtrack. #snark is our hobby.
#Introduction #carboncycle #scientist #observations #models #sciencepolicy #ClimateAction #evidencebased #decisionmaking #usa #cop27 #ipcc #ocean #climateimpacts #adaptation #oceanCDR #codeofconduct #reader #SocialJustice #ClimateJustice #environmentaljustice #Music #snark