Bunch of adult harbour #seals & pups, enjoying some #pinnipeds pals & family time in #SookeBasin ❤
Pinnipeds. OG sea plankers.
#wildlife #HarborSeals #MarineMammals #SeaMammals #Westcoast #VanIsle #VancouverIsland #Sooke #ChillingOut #PNW #PacificNorthwest #SalishSea #Cascadia #BritishColumbia #Canada #MarineLife #OceanAnimals #SeaAnimals #Planking #ProtectTheWild #WildFirst #RespectWildlife #GiveWildlifeSafeDistance #DontScareWildlife
#silentsunday #seals #pinnipeds #sookebasin #wildlife #harborseals #marinemammals #seamammals #westcoast #vanisle #vancouverisland #sooke #chillingout #pnw #pacificnorthwest #SalishSea #cascadia #britishcolumbia #canada #marinelife #oceananimals #seaanimals #planking #protectthewild #wildfirst #respectwildlife #givewildlifesafedistance #dontscarewildlife
I've been keeping up with Leon the Lobster since he was first purchased. I love wildlife rescue stories, & learning about various species. I grow increasingly tired & frustrated by these sorts of stories though.
Leon is blind. I know this because as soon as Brady said he didn't know what Leon sees in this video, I looked it up. I learned their eyesight is based on reflection not refraction, that he's evolved for extreme lowlight situations, that he has 180° vision, that scientists use this vision array to inspire space telescope design, & that, with that much light, Leon is basically blinded. I learned this in a few minutes.
It seems to me to be deeply worrying that this isn't something his owner has considered before. Not only would less light decrease Leon's stress levels, but it would also save energy & therefore money. A good hide would probably do Leon's stress levels the world of good too! Just like it does for my reptiles & most exoskeletal pets. Why does Brady not know this? Why has he not learned of Leon's vision structure? Why has he not provided?
Don't get me wrong, I don't hate people for making mistakes. I have made many. But I make them after I have searched high & low for information & answers. How does one own a pet & not be vastly curious about it?
#Crustaceans #Lobsters #Captivity #OceanAnimals #SeaCreatures #ExoticPets #LobsterEyesight #LobsterVision #Leon #LeonTheLobser
#crustaceans #lobsters #captivity #oceananimals #seacreatures #ExoticPets #lobstereyesight #lobstervision #leon #leonthelobser
Amazing Male Seahorse Giving Birth To Thousands Of Babies Underwater
#seacreatures #seahorsesofinstagram #seahorse #reefanimals #reef #reefphotography #divinglife #reefdiving #beautyofnature #oceanreef #oceananimals #diving_photography #beautifulnature #beautifulworld #reeflife #snorkeling #snorklingtrip #seahorselove #seahorses https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ck3wU0tK1B1/?igshid=MDJmNzVkMjY=
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