Yall heard of #OceanGate?
Well, what if you did that in the sky?
Hate sharing a plane? You’ll love the flying scooter
> If inventor Franky Zapata can make it work, the #Airscooter will be the ‘personal flying machine’ every misanthrope dreams of
Very sobering writeup on the reputation and culture of #OceanGate leading up to the #Titan failure this year. It's really a shame they were able to operate and attract customers despite years of very public alarm from so many experienced deep sea professionals.
#oceangate #titan #engineering #safety #riskmanagement #deepsea
If the writers of Meg 2 knew the general public was going to get a crash course this year in the effects of water pressure thanks to Oceangate, I think they would have made some different writing choices. #Meg2 #movies #OceanGate
Can't wait for OceanGate to venture into space exploration. The Mars ship would be controlled by five used Xbox 360 controllers and a Kinect Sensor.
Looking for your next adventure? Why not move to Venus?
"It’s ‘very doable’, according to the man who co-founded the submersibles company OceanGate. In fact, it’s just like a caravan holiday!"
Like it went so well for OceanGate and the Titan sub.
#theguardian #arwamahdawi #oceangate #titan #venus
Vice: To Change Our Human Perspective, We Need to See What Lurks In the Deep Ocean https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/88x5wp/to-change-our-human-perspective-we-need-to-see-what-lurks-in-the-deep-ocean #climatechange #exploration #oceangate #deepocean #Technews #OCEAN
#climatechange #exploration #oceangate #deepocean #technews #ocean
Vice: To Change Our Human Perspective, We Need to See What Lurks In the Deep Ocean https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/88x5wp/to-change-our-human-perspective-we-need-to-see-what-lurks-in-the-deep-ocean #climatechange #exploration #oceangate #deepocean #Technews #OCEAN
#climatechange #exploration #oceangate #deepocean #technews #ocean
Vice: To Change Our Human Perspective, We Need to See What Lurks In the Deep Ocean https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/88x5wp/to-change-our-human-perspective-we-need-to-see-what-lurks-in-the-deep-ocean #climatechange #exploration #oceangate #deepocean #Technews #OCEAN
#climatechange #exploration #oceangate #deepocean #technews #ocean
Vice: To Change Our Human Perspective, We Need to See What Lurks In the Deep Ocean https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/88x5wp/to-change-our-human-perspective-we-need-to-see-what-lurks-in-the-deep-ocean #climatechange #exploration #oceangate #deepocean #Technews #OCEAN
#climatechange #exploration #oceangate #deepocean #technews #ocean
GRID News 2023 - Week 30 #SecondLife #SecondLifeNews #MaitreyaX #SenraBody #Oceangate - YouTube
#secondlife #secondlifenews #maitreyax #senrabody #oceangate
I'm more convinced then ever that we are living in a BAD 1950s SCI-FI Movie.....
Oceangate Co-founder wants to send 1000 people to Venus.
#movie #scifi #venus #oceangate #living #bmovie
Gizmodo: NASA and OceanGate Had an Agreement to Test a Model of the Titan Submersible https://gizmodo.com/nasa-and-oceangate-had-an-agreement-to-test-a-model-of-1850699151 #draftoceangatetitanicexpedition #titansubmersibleimplosion #wreckofthetitanic #davidlochridge #carbonfibers #stocktonrush #submersible #oceangate #titan
#draftoceangatetitanicexpedition #titansubmersibleimplosion #wreckofthetitanic #davidlochridge #carbonfibers #stocktonrush #submersible #oceangate #titan
@claasgefroi 6 Milliardäre haben demnach mehr für die Rettung des Planeten getan als 6 Millionen Menschen ☝️
Gizmodo: OceanGate Co-Founder Wants to Send 1,000 People to Venus—What Could Go Wrong? https://gizmodo.com/oceangate-founder-wants-to-send-1-000-people-to-venus-1850695687 #guillermosohnlein #planetarysurface #stocktonrush #submersible #environment #oceangate #venus #titan
#guillermosohnlein #planetarysurface #stocktonrush #submersible #environment #oceangate #venus #titan
Remember #OceanGate ?
Well, thats yesterdays news!
Killing #billionaires in the deep sea just isn't any challenge at all.
We can do better then that:
"#Söhnlein believes humans could live in that area IF a #SpaceStation could be designed to withstand the #SulfuricAcid in the clouds." (emphasis added)
Yea, that's more like it. Building a structure to survive a in an acid atmo, hangiging over a hellish hot place, closer to the sun.
And I was making fun of #SpaceGate.
#oceangate #billionaires #sohnlein #spacestation #sulfuricacid #spacegate
Do they all wear Nikes and go to Pizza Hut before lift off?
#Oceangate #HeavensGate #Space
#oceangate #heavensgate #space
Great news for billionaires who missed the opportunity to explore the underwater world, OceanGate is apparently now preparing expeditions to Venus!
This doesn’t seem to be satire?!
#oceangate #heavensgate #Koolaid
Memo to Guillermo Söhnlein ~
Make sure the expedition is comprised entirely of telephone sanitisers, account executives, hairdressers, tired TV producers, insurance salesmen, personnel officers, security guards, public relations executives, and management consultants.
PS: If undersubscribed, feel free to mention the mutant star goat. That'll get 'em onboard.
[ per HHGTTG 😀 ]
#OceanGate #Billionaires #Elites #GeneralPurposeFuckwittery (yes, I know that's not a useful hashtag, but you get the idea).
#oceangate #billionaires #elites #generalpurposefuckwittery
When the truth about #Oceangate comes out, what will journalists call it? Oceangate-gate?
Il Titan non lo ha fermato: Guillermo Söhnlein, co-fondatore di OceanGate, vede oltre e punta molto più in alto: una 'colonia galleggiante' su Venere entro il 2050. Visione audace, sogno che può diventare realtà o un nuovo incubo?