Yeah, good luck with that, assholes. 😄
#OceanGateExpeditions #titansub
#oceangateexpeditions #titansub
James Cameron, diretor de Titanic, estaria em negociações para fazer série sobre submarino Titan — e já teria até elenco planejado
#SubmarinoTitan #OceangateExpeditions #Oceangate #JamesCameron #ViNoInstagram #Buzz
#submarinotitan #oceangateexpeditions #oceangate #jamescameron #vinoinstagram #buzz
"If you're not breaking things, you're not innovating."
-- Stockton Rush, Self-Broken CEO of #OceanGateExpeditions
This post is directed at those people who are still saying that the CEO of #OceanGateExpeditions was a safety-oriented man. Shut. Your. Mouths.
They should be advertising one-way expeditions to Tartaros. #OceanGateExpeditions #titansub
#oceangateexpeditions #titansub
At least Rush had the good sense to die in his sub, too. #OceanGateExpeditions #titanicsub
#oceangateexpeditions #titanicsub
Dayum. I hope they have a good lawyer and better insurance. They're going to need them.
#OceanGateExpeditions #titansub
#oceangateexpeditions #titansub
"Must be able to fit into a standard coffee thermos when crushed under 408 atmospheres of pressure."
#OceanGateExpeditions #titansub
#oceangateexpeditions #titansub
No shit. #OceanGateExpeditions needs to cough up whatever this rescue attempt cost. #titanicsub
#oceangateexpeditions #titanicsub
Keine Tauchfahrten mehr: "Titan"-Betreiber OceanGate will sich auf Vergnügungspark mit Dinosauriern konzentrieren
#Titan #titanic #OceanGate #OceanGateExpeditions
#oceangateexpeditions #oceangate #titanic #titan
I'll be happy when this news cycle turns from #titanictourism #oceangateexpeditions #titanicsubmersible #billionairetoys #deadrichpeople
#titanictourism #oceangateexpeditions #titanicsubmersible #billionairetoys #deadrichpeople
Top Secret U.S. #Navy System Heard #Titan #Implosion Days Ago - #WSJ #sosus
#titanictourism #oceangateexpeditions #usnavy #titanic #crunch #deadrichpeople
#navy #titan #implosion #wsj #sosus #titanictourism #oceangateexpeditions #usnavy #titanic #crunch #deadrichpeople
If you or I were lost at sea. Would a Rear Admiral of the United States Coast Guard brief the press or inform my family?
#deadrichpeople #oceangateexpeditions #titanictourism #usCoastguard #crunch
#deadrichpeople #oceangateexpeditions #titanictourism #uscoastguard #crunch
“You know, there’s a limit. At some point safety just is pure waste."
-- Stockton Rush, OceanGate CEO, 2022
OceanGate - because Watergate was already taken.
#OceanGateExpeditions #titanicsub
#oceangateexpeditions #titanicsub
#OceanGateExpeditions CEO Rush said last year that his greatest fear was being in a submersible during one of his company’s expeditions at the wreckage of the Titanic and facing “things that will stop me from being able to get to the surface.”🚧 #OceanGate
#oceangateexpeditions #oceangate
Less than 20 hrs of air remaining for 5 onboard of #titansubmersable
Even if they are found now. Not enough time left for #rescue. #oceangateexpeditions waited too long to call help.
#titansubmersable #rescue #oceangateexpeditions #deadrichpeople #titanictourism #titanic #coastguard
These #titanictourists are NOT even banging on ship #titan to help rescue #echolocate them.
They must all be incapacitated and or dead. Crushed into jello.
#titanic #oceangateexpeditions #echolocate #titan #titanictourists
#Mondo #PrimoPiano #UltimeNotizie #OceanGateExpeditions #sottomarino Sparito il sottomarino che portava 5 turisti a vedere il Titanic
#mondo #primopiano #Ultimenotizie #oceangateexpeditions #sottomarino
Wealthy people putting many in #coastguard other lives at risk for their silly prideful games & misadventures.
Why Mt.Everest #chomolungma is littered with dead whites and their excrements. Rats!
#deadrichpeople #billionairbullshit #oceangateexpeditions #titanic #titansubmersable #oldwhitemen #mounteverest
#mounteverest #oldwhitemen #titansubmersable #titanic #oceangateexpeditions #billionairbullshit #deadrichpeople #titanictourists #chomolungma #coastguard