"Is the #ClimateCrisis finally catching up with #Antarctica? Finding the answer has never been more pressing - Our inability to confidently predict sea level rise between an extremely challenging two metres and a civilisation-ending 10 metres is an exemplar of the problem facing researchers"
Andrew Meijers, Oceanographer with British Antarctic Survey, writes in today's #Guardian (07.08.2023); a compelling and chilling read.
"The global #climate is one hugely #complex interconnected system. While the #Antarctic and Southern Ocean are far removed from our daily lives, they play an oversized role in this system and the future climate that concerns humanity now. “Global warming” is really “ocean warming”. The atmospheric temperature change, the 1.5C Paris target we are now perilously near to exceeding, really is only a few percent of our total excess trapped heat. Almost all the rest is in the ocean and it is around Antarctica that it is predominantly taken up. How this uptake may change in the future as winds, temperatures and ice shift is a critical scientific, and human, question.
hese last few months have been a turbulent time to be an oceanographer, particularly one specialising in the vast Southern Ocean around Antarctica and its role in our climate. The media has been awash with stories of marine heatwaves across the northern hemisphere, the potential collapse of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation by mid-century and the record-breaking deficit in Antarctic sea ice emerging this southern winter. Alongside heatwaves and bushfires in North America and southern Europe, flooding in China and South American winter temperatures above 38C, the climate has moved from a “future problem” to a “now problem” in the minds of many."
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Klima #Klimakrise #OceanWarming #OceanHeating #GlobalWarming #GlobalHeating #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateDiary #SouthernOcean #CO2 #Heatwave #Heatwaves #Drought #SeaLevelRise
#ClimateCrisis #antarctica #guardian #climate #complex #Antarctic #ClimateEmergency #Klima #KlimaKrise #OceanWarming #oceanheating #globalwarming #globalheating #ClimateCatastrophe #ClimateDiary #SouthernOcean #co2 #heatwave #heatwaves #drought #sealevelrise
#Florida’s Record-Breaking Sea Temperatures Affecting #Coral
Story by Catrin Einhorn and Jason Gulley, July 31, 2023
"With #climateChange ravaging Florida’s beloved reef, people who’ve devoted their careers to restoring coral in the sea are now racing to get it out of the water, to tanks on land. They’re pushing through feelings of grief and fear over the future to save what genetic material and young corals they can. But in the background, an existential question looms: How can they restore reefs if the ocean is getting too hot for coral to live there?
"While marine #heatwaves occur naturally, the eye-popping sea temperatures recorded off the Keys this month (one reading hit 101 degrees Fahrenheit, or just over 38 Celsius) have been made worse by global warming, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The world’s oceans have absorbed 90% of the additional heat unleashed by people burning fossil fuels and razing forests. Currently, about 44% of the #global #ocean is in a #heatwave.
"The mass coral bleaching happening throughout the Keys is the most severe in the state’s history, Derek Manzello, the coordinator of NOAA’s Coral Reef Watch program, said. Surveys over the next few months are needed to understand how much coral has died.
"'I fear for the worst,' he said."
#Coral #OceanTemperatures #OceanHeating #ClimateGrief #CoralBleaching #Dieoff #Extinction #ExtremeHeat #WaterIsLife
#florida #coral #ClimateChange #heatwaves #global #ocean #heatwave #oceantemperatures #oceanheating #climategrief #coralbleaching #dieoff #extinction #extremeheat #waterislife
Alarm as seawater heats up off Florida Keys, imperiling reef
Super-heated seawater off the Florida Keys has grown so perilous to the world's third-largest barrier reef that scientists are now removing samples of coral from ocean nurseries to place in cooler land-based tanks.
#oceanheating #reefs #coral #danger #savingsamples #climatecrisis #climateaction
#oceanheating #reefs #coral #danger #savingsamples #climatecrisis #climateaction
World Meteorological Organization hosts special news briefing to address records in land and ocean temperatures.
Stay informed as the climate crisis continues to evolve.
#ClimateCrisis #elnino #oceanheating
"Fossil fuel firms owe climate reparations of at least $209bn a year, says study
Groundbreaking analysis by the journal One Earth is first to quantify economic burden caused by individual companies"
#climateemergency #fossilfuels #olligarchy #climate #climatechange #globalheating #oceanheating
#climateemergency #fossilfuels #olligarchy #climate #climatechange #globalheating #oceanheating
RT @drcwhos@twitter.com
@dorfman_p@twitter.com Sadly these Giant Kelp forests are extremely sensitive to acidification and #OceanHeating
The largest forest on Australia's coast has vanished @XRebellionAus@twitter.com