Nachdem #Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm 2019 zunächst zeitexklusiv für Apple Arcade erschien, folgte im Oktober 2020 die Veröffentlichung für Nintendo Switch. Jetzt erscheint das Zelda-Lookalike auch noch für PCs, PlayStation und Xbox:
Has anyone found a good genre name for #Zelda &sim. (#Darksiders, #Tunic, #Oceanhorn, #Phoenotopia, #Fairune, #BlossomTales, #Eastward &c.)
Action adventure sounds too broad. (Plus it also contaima dungeon crawling and puzzles)
Action RPG is equally broad, and Zelda is extremely slim on RPG elements.
Zelda-like sounds too narrow/non-descriptive.
#zelda #darksiders #Tunic #oceanhorn #phoenotopia #fairune #blossomtales #eastward
Just remembered another #Zelda-like: the #Oceanhorn series seems really good too.
La suite d' #OceanHorn sur mobile ressemble encore plus à #Zelda !
Troublant, non ?