A team of #MarineBiologists and #oceanographers from the University of California, the University of British Columbia, the University of Hawaii and the South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, has found evidence suggesting that fish such as skipjack, yellowfin tuna and bigeye have been changing their migration patterns due to climate change and have begun moving into areas where people plan to start #DeepSeaMining.
#marinebiologists #oceanographers #DeepSeaMining
A team of #oceanographers at the Scripps Institution of #Oceanography, working with a colleague from Chungnam National University and another from the University of Hawaii, has mapped 19,000 previously unknown undersea #volcanoes in the world's oceans using radar #satellite data. https://phys.org/news/2023-04-radar-satellite-reveals-previously-unknown.html
#oceanographers #oceanography #volcanoes #satellite
I have not seen any new fisheries people or oceanographers on the Fediverse for over a month, so I have not updated my list. I guess the Twitter migration may have lost momentum.
I note that some key people I used to follow have not moved. Perhaps the cost in lost followers is considered too high?
Personally I'm enjoying not having to spend anywhere near as much time filtering my feed compared to Twitter.
#fisheries #oceanography #oceanographers #fisheriesscientists
#fisheriesscientists #oceanographers #oceanography #fisheries
A fascinating and revealing tale about the career of the oceanographer Dr. Mary Sears.
#WomenInScience #oceanographers #oceanography
What people think #oceanographers do at work. https://mastodon.world/@davidho/109740239330553352
@davidho Wait, what? You mean #oceanographers don't do this at work? Bummer.
Calling all #oceanographers !!! 5 days to your favorite holiday - #CTDAppreciationDay!!!
get those photos ready, make some poetry and show the world how awesome our field is!
we will be running this both on twitter and here, and as i have almost no followers here, i need your help to spread the word.
(photo is from 2021 #nasa EXPORTS, where two royal and one non royal vessel explored the fate of carbon in ocean)
#oceanographers #ctdappreciationday #nasa
Since its Friday in New Zealand, here's a #followfriday contribution: a slowly incrementing list of 58 #scientists working in #fisheries or #oceanography
that I know of on the Fediverse.
#oceanographers #fisheriesscientists #oceanography #fisheries #scientists #followfriday