June 24, noon at Lovers Point in #PacificGrove: #CarnegieHero Award presentation to honor 3 of the #GoodSamaritans who are part of Steve Bruemmer's #SharkAttack story—#paddleboarders Paul Bandy and Aimee Johns, and #surf instructor Heath Braddock.
Free. BYO picnic lunch; cake will be served.
Steve Bruemmer to Sara Rubin of #MontereyCountyWeekly: "I don’t have #biking, #running or #OceanSwimming, but I’m living my life again. Maybe I’ll be able to ride a #bike again, maybe I’ll be able to walk without fear of falling....I’m really disappointed if this is permanent, but I can live a fabulous life." https://www.montereycountyweekly.com/people/face_to_face/a-year-after-he-was-bitten-by-a-shark-steve-bruemmer-continues-recovering--/article_d3fbaf7e-1075-11ee-aeda-dfe8aaeb0d81.html
#VeloClubMonterey #cyclists #WednesdayNightLaundryRunners #runners #KelpCrawlers #OceanSwimmers
#BikeTooter #MontereyCounty
#pacificgrove #CarnegieHero #goodsamaritans #sharkattack #PaddleBoarders #surf #montereycountyweekly #biking #running #oceanswimming #bike #shark #sharks #veloclubmonterey #cyclists #wednesdaynightlaundryrunners #Runners #kelpcrawlers #oceanswimmers #BikeTooter #montereycounty
Last Toot of the day; another thing crossed off my list, went for a swim in the ocean here. So many gorgeous beaches, but I didn’t want to swim alone and leave all my stuff sitting on the beach to be discovered by the cops after my disappearance under the waves, or stolen while I’m busy cavorting, so today I had a willing look out and I took full advantage. The water was lovely, definitely warmer than it is on the California side of the ocean!! #OceanSwimming