More differences of #OceanWorld ice.
Temperature. At top of many icy moons, the ice is waaay colder than Earth. 100 K on many worlds. The coldest on Earth is maybe 200 K. Cold ice is different. Harder, abd high thermal conductivity makes it harder to melt at a spot on surface (heat energy just conducted away.)
Formation. Ice sheets and glaciers are meteoric ice. Comes from snowfall. On Ocean Worlds (except some areas Enceladus is freeze down ice.
Anton Petrov
Strange Water Worlds and a Habitable Planet Found In Orbit of Kepler 138
#AntonPetrov #Astronomy #HabitablePlanet #Kepler138 #KOI314 #OceanWorld #WaterWorld
#antonpetrov #astronomy #habitableplanet #kepler138 #koi314 #oceanworld #waterworld