@ariegoldshlager maybe because #Copyright as a system is brolen AND because due to #OCILLA & #DMCA they don't have to but only comply with #takedown-notices...
Not gonna defend #Twitter, but the #Copyrightmafia only cares about #rentseeking via #CollectingAgencies...
#collectingagencies #rentSeeking #copyrightmafia #Twitter #takedown #DMCA #ocilla #Copyright
@EposVox @absolutejank @arstechnica
#Twitch in that regard is even worse than #YouTube towards people like #JimSterling when it comes to false #DMCA claims...
Because in that case YouTube solely complies with #OCILLA and deciding to not give a shit until the defendant lawyers up and sues them...
Twitch banning any kind of reasonable advertising is just shit, because it's not done to comply with any laws or regulations whatsoever...
#ocilla #DMCA #JimSterling #YouTube #Twitch
@vantablack #Copyrightmafia will want a word about that.
It's not 2010 anymore where #YouTube was willing to give #GEMA and other rentseeking "collecting angencies" the finger and tell them to properly file #DMCA claims amd go after the users cuz #OCILLA doesn't make the hoster liable.
But then again #FBI also went after #Megaupload despite them actually taking down stuff...
#megaupload #FBI #ocilla #DMCA #gema #YouTube #copyrightmafia
@netzpolitik_feed ich denke dass diese - genauso wie bei #Urheberrechtsverstößen dahingehend haften, wenn diese wissentlich jene Inhalte verbreiten.
Genauso wie #OCILLA nur solange greift bis ne #DMCA notice kommt...
#DMCA #ocilla #urheberrechtsverstoßen
Dangerous quack 🦆 named #MahendraAmin aka the 'uterus collector' is practising in rural Georgia , USA.
This is the same scumbag who worked at #IrwinCountyDetentionCentre in #Ocilla Georgia and without consent performed abusive & unnecessary gynaecological procedures at the #immigrant #detentioncentre.
SOURCE: 17 Nov 2022 #DemocracyNow, #Headlines
Every1, esp from Georgia, please reboost
#usa #georgia #ruralgeorgia #alert #mahendraamin #irwincountydetentioncentre #ocilla #immigrant #detentioncentre #democracynow #Headlines #MEDICINE #violence #humanrights
Dangerous quack 🦆 named #MahendraAmin aka the 'uterus collector' is practising in rural Georgia , USA.
This is the same scumbag who worked at #IrwinCountyDetentionCentre in #Ocilla Georgia and without consent performed abusive & unnecessary gynaecological procedures at the #immigrant #detentioncentre.
Every1, esp from Georgia, please reboost
#usa #georgia #ruralgeorgia #alert #mahendraamin #irwincountydetentioncentre #ocilla #immigrant #detentioncentre #MEDICINE #violence #humanrights