Last night's offering definitely needed an MST3K style blowout clip. #Monsterdon #Octaman #GIF #Bmovies
#Monsterdon #octaman #gif #bmovies
Did #octaman's tentacles coming, inexplicably, off the back of his head mean he had a mullet? We need to form consensus on this. #monsterdon.
@strangefour So many TV episodes in the 70's ended up in caves. And if it was an American show it was the SAME CAVE! #Monsterdon #Octaman
@Taweret They were the two most expensive things in the budget. #Monsterdon #Octaman
Well ... that was the weirdest dang Jacques Cousteau documentary I ever did see ...
@Taweret No "saving the reveal for the third reel" in this one. #Monsterdon #Octaman
@jonny 😂 😂 I love this so much!
We've got to have this gif be some kind of monsterdon metaphor, right? Bring it out whenever someone gets slapped down!
I'm sick laughing...I have to sign off.
In '71 this would have been a great movie to watch late at night in the summer at a drive-in sitting on a blanket in the bed of your truck sipping beer. #Monsterdon #Octaman
It's time to remake #Octaman. We have the technology to make him dance like Squidward. #monsterdon
When it comes to 1970s Recreational Vehicular a Horror Films, Octaman puts Race with the Devil to shame, imho ... Until next time, Kaiju Fans!
#Monsterdon #octaman #racewiththedevil
I'm exhausted🤣
Everyone, thank you so much for the entertaining commentary!!!
Thank you @Taweret for bringing to us this informative travelogue full of spunk and spelunking!!!
I've suddenly got a taste for some ceviche. And for some reason, I'm need to put a hickie on my wife.
30 years ago one of my first online homes was a teenage BBS where the sysop's handle was Octoman, and his sig was "I can be killed by a flashlight!". Feeling some closure. #Monsterdon #Octaman
Of all the movies I've watched this year, that was certainly one of them. #monsterdon #octaman #monsterDONE
#Monsterdon #octaman #monsterdone
@athena_rising It felt like they were trying to squeeze juuuuust a little more out of the script. #monsterdon #octaman
Holy Calamari #Octaman! Another #Monsterdon is in the can!
Use all your tentacles to clap for our host, @Taweret!
Tonight we had an octasplash of thrills:
* Part man, part octopus, all monster!
* A science Winnebago that wasn't a mobile meth lab.
* So much monster hunting. On a lake. In a cave. At an RV.
The leisurely fucking off into the sea*, followed by that flop. I was wrong this movie's great.
#Monsterdon #Octaman
*Lake? Where are we?