"#InDreams" is a song composed and sung by singer #RoyOrbison. An operatic rock ballad of lost love, it was released as a single on #MonumentRecords in February 1963. It became the title track on the album In Dreams, released in July of the same year. The song has a unique structure in seven musical movements in which Orbison sings through two #octaves, beyond the range of most rock and roll singers. The song peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 charts at number 7.
#indreams #royorbison #monumentrecords #octaves
A new study suggests #bats have a #vocal range of 7 #octaves - greater than singers like Mariah Carey and Prince. Danish researchers filmed what happens in a bat's voice box or larynx. They found the animals create lower frequency sounds using the same technique as death metal growlers and throat singers from some indigenous communities.
The findings have revealed for the first time how bats use #echolocation to listen for echoes reflected from nearby objects as they hunt for insects to feed on
#bats #vocal #octaves #echolocation