I think the hardest part of reading #OctaviaButler's Parable of the Talents right now is recognizing that some people alive now live in a world not meaningfully different from her dystopia, and that nobody, including myself, has any serious plans to change that.
Thinking especially hard right now about families recently separated at the border, and last generation's even worse genocidal treatment of Native Americans (which continues today).
Revisando Parentesco: la adaptación televisiva de la novela de Octavia Butler
En los últimos años, algunas series han intentado explorar las complejidades de las vidas de las personas es
#CulturaCineYTelevisin #AdaptacinTelevisva #afrodescendientes #afrofeminas #CienciaFiccin #dispora #discriminacin #Disney #esclavitud #MujerNegra #OctaviaButler #Parentesco #racismo #SeriesTv
#culturacineytelevisin #adaptacintelevisva #afrodescendientes #afrofeminas #cienciaficcin #dispora #discriminacin #disney #esclavitud #mujernegra #octaviabutler #parentesco #racismo #seriestv
I am 24% into Parable of the Talents and, as with Parable of the Sower, Octavia Butler's understanding of the forces present in the US and their logical progression was 100%.
#bookstodon #books #octaviabutler #parableofthetalents
I just finished listening to Parable of the Sower, and...jesus christ, you guys. I thought I'd read it before, long ago, but I didn't remember any of it. What an incredible and prescient book.
#octaviabutler #ParableOfTheSower #books #bookstodon
Finished reading #Kindred, my first ever #OctaviaButler novel. That was kind of a wild ride. I'm not gonna lie, I really only got super interested toward the end, but also at no point did I find myself going "this is boring, why am I still reading?" So that's something. Will definitely check out more #afrofuturism in the future (no pun intended). I enjoy broadening my perspective.
#kindred #octaviabutler #afrofuturism
Reading "Parable of the Sower" by #OctaviaButler in 2023 turns out to be a hell of a trip.
“Lake Forest Park actually did something. And it's impressive. And Seattle should wonder why it hasn't done something similar for, say, August Wilson, the greatest Black American playwright to ever walk this one and only world of ours …”
#seattle #TheStranger #octaviabutler #augustwilson
I’m just glad to know that Mastodon is as pro-Octavia Butler as I am. Heck of a place we have here. 👍 #scifi #octaviabutler
The street I grew up on (in the Seattle suburbs) is being renamed for the sci-fi writer Octavia E. Butler! And I helped to make it happen!
This is fabulously exciting.
#Books #sciencefiction #octaviabutler #seattle
I just finished reading "Adulthood Rites" the 2nd novel in #OctaviaButler's xenogenesis series. Two questions come to mind: a) Why on earth haven't these books been made into movies? and, b) Why isn't Chadwick Boseman still here to play Akin? 😢
This is my FSF shortlist, anyway...
#ursulakleguin #stanislawlem #italocalvino #emilystjohnmandel #kellylink #octaviabutler #jorgeluisborges
This 1998 #OctaviaButler #novel predicted a #Christofacist #UnitedStates with the slogan "#MakeAmericaGreatAgain"
#MAGA #christianNationalism #dystopia #book
#octaviabutler #novel #christofacist #unitedstates #makeamericagreatagain #maga #christiannationalism #dystopia #book
@Chromino I'm not new but always looking for interesting folks in the #Fediverse, #FollowFriday or not!
1. I #read and #write #scifi and #fantasy. My favorite authors are #CJCherryh and #OctaviaButler. Right now I am reading #TheFirstBrightThing by #JRDawson.
2. I play #Norwegian #Hardanger fiddle or #hardingfele.
3. I enjoy #hiking and #backpacking and just returned from a trip to #EnchantedValley on the #OlympicPeninsula in #WashingtonState.
#fediverse #followfriday #read #write #scifi #fantasy #cjcherryh #octaviabutler #thefirstbrightthing #jrdawson #norwegian #hardanger #hardingfele #hiking #backpacking #enchantedvalley #olympicpeninsula #washingtonstate
I just finished Damian Duffy and John Jennings' graphic novel rendition of #kindred by #octaviabutler.
I'm white and surrounded by mostly white people. When I read the book, my brain kept reverting all the characters to white people in my imagination. The graphic novel solved this problem for me.
If you have not read it, I recommend it. Buy it or check it out from your library. It helped me out with a few things.
Lying here, windows open, SF fireworks booming I am flashing back to a year ago… I was at what would be, to-date the sickest I’ve been. I was hallucinating. I hadn’t left the house in six months; hadn’t left the bed in @ 4 months. I thought that everything Octavia Butler wrote about in “parables” had happened. Feels similar tonight. #octaviabutler #parables
"I think that she struggled with feeling depressed at times about our chances... but by the end of her life, she was more optimistic than not, and part of that was because... people read what she was saying ... she wasn't just screaming into the night ... she was starting to get that sense that ... there were people who wanted to hear what she had to say... She took every word that she wrote so seriously. She cared so much."
— Steven Barnes
For Octavia Butler’s #birthday, allow me to share this quote I just ran across in Imago (book three of the Lilith’s Brood collection).
“Humans said one thing with their bodies and another with their mouths and everyone had to spend time and energy figuring out what they really meant. And once we did understand them, the Humans got angry and acted as though we had stolen thoughts from their mind”
#birthday #octaviabutler #scifi #books #bookstodon
“I didn’t make up the problems. All I did was look around at the problems we’re neglecting now and give them about 30 years to grow into full-fledged disasters.“
— Octavia E. Butler, who would've been 76 today, on not being a prophet
#octaviabutler #speculativefiction #sciencefiction #onthisday #quote
Octavia E. Butler (1947-2006) was born on this day. Bibliography: https://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?186
L, John Blanche, 1980; R, George Underwood, 1988
#scifi #sciencefiction #octaviabutler