Η σπηλιά στον Άγιο Θωμά
#ontherocks #cave #agiosthomas #liatani #Dimos_Tanagras #viotia #tanagra #october2020 #photos
#ontherocks #liatani #dimos_tanagras #viotia #photos #cave #agiosthomas #tanagra #october2020
#tanagra #agiosthomas #well #pigadi #viotia #greece #dimostanagras #october2020
Adobe Fixes 16 Critical Code-Execution Bugs Across Portfolio - The out-of-band patches follow a lighter-than-usual Patch Tuesday update earlier this month. https://threatpost.com/adobe-critical-code-execution-bugs/160369/ #arbitrarycodeexecution #creativecloudinstaller #vulnerabilities #securityupdates #aftereffects #mediaencoder #dreamweaver #illustrator #october2020 #premierepro #outofband #photoshop #critical #indesign #animate #marketo #patches #adobe #xss
#xss #adobe #patches #marketo #animate #indesign #critical #photoshop #outofband #premierepro #october2020 #illustrator #dreamweaver #mediaencoder #aftereffects #securityupdates #vulnerabilities #creativecloudinstaller #arbitrarycodeexecution
Μικρός ρωτούσα τον παππού μου τί όμορφο έχει ο τόπος μας.
"Έψαξες; Άμα ψάξεις θα βρεις." μου απαντούσε διαρκώς και είχε δίκιο.
Ανακαλύψτε τον τόπο μας και τις ομορφιές του, γιατί έχει πολλές και όποιος ψάχνει βρίσκει.
Tag...ρετε με ότι θέλετε + #Liatani #AgiosThomas #DimosTanagras
#October2020 #Agios_Thomas_Tanagras #viotia #cave #wreath #CentralGreece
Δείξτε εξωστρέφεια και μην αφήνετε τοξικούς ανθρώπους να πηρεάζουν τη θέλησή σας.
#viotia #wreath #dimostanagras #october2020 #Agios_Thomas_Tanagras #centralGreece #liatani #agiosthomas #cave
October Patch Tuesday: Microsoft Patches Critical, Wormable RCE Bug - There were 11 critical bugs and six that were unpatched but publicly known in this month's regular... https://threatpost.com/october-patch-tuesday-wormable-bug/160044/ #securityvulnerabilities #routeradvertisements #remotecodeexecution #publiclydisclosed #vulnerabilities #cve-2020-16898 #cloudsecurity #unpatchedbugs #patchtuesday #websecurity #october2020 #securitybug #microsoft #critical #wormable #patches #tcp/ip
#tcp #patches #wormable #critical #microsoft #securitybug #october2020 #websecurity #patchtuesday #unpatchedbugs #cloudsecurity #cve #vulnerabilities #publiclydisclosed #remotecodeexecution #routeradvertisements #securityvulnerabilities
Google Rolls Out Fixes for High-Severity Android System Flaws - The most serious bugs are elevation-of-privilege issues in the Android System component (CVE-2020-... https://threatpost.com/google-android-system-flaws/159948/ #androidsecurityupdate #informationdisclosure #elevationofprivilege #vulnerabilities #(cve-2020-0215 #mediaframework #cve-2020-0416 #websecurity #october2020 #framework #qualcomm #android #samsung #google #kernel #pixel
#pixel #kernel #google #samsung #android #qualcomm #framework #october2020 #websecurity #cve #mediaframework #vulnerabilities #elevationofprivilege #informationdisclosure #androidsecurityupdate