👻 Day 6: ideal afterlife. I want 2 things: truly waterproof mascara & to haunt people until they poop their pants (it's the little things in life)
#FOTD22 #idealafterlife #octoberartprompts #dragqueenart #livingmybestafterlife
#livingmybestafterlife #dragqueenart #octoberartprompts #idealafterlife #FOTD22
🕯 Day 5: scattered ashes, for #FOTD22. Not a super original concept but y'all know i love drawing hills so... 🕯
#scatteredashes #octoberartprompts #silhouetteart #limitedpalette #funeralrites
#funeralrites #limitedpalette #silhouetteart #octoberartprompts #scatteredashes #FOTD22
Day 4, cleromancy & augury. Kinda half-assed, today i spent more time cleaning than arting.
#FOTD22 #cleromancy #augury #fortunetelling #readingtealeaves #octoberartprompts
#octoberartprompts #readingtealeaves #fortunetelling #Augury #cleromancy #FOTD22