When the Luidaeg tells tiny #OctoberDaye her big shaggy dog is lost in "Never Shines the Sun", we know it's an *excuse*, but it can't be a *lie* because the Luidaeg been rendered incapable of lying.
What dog?
“Almost done,” [Stacy] said, dusting her [cosmetics] brush across my nose and forehead.
“And thank Titania for that,” I said fervently, as she went back to working on my hair.
“You should be thanking Titania,” said Stacy, spraying something that smelled like roses and cotton flowers into the air above my head. “If it weren’t for her, we’d be doing this the mortal way, and we’d be here for at least another hour.”
—One Salt Sea, #OctoberDaye
o rly
Who told Devin where to find young #OctoberDaye in the first place, and why?
*eyes everything we don't know about Dawn Winterrose*
@Fragglemuppet Be The Serpent by Seanan McGuire. Do not start reading this faerie noir series there, it's novel sixteen (I don't have count on anything novella length or shorter), and it will have no impact except bafflement if you start there. Start reading #OctoberDaye with Rosemary and Rue.
Or start with https://www.lightspeedmagazine.com/fiction/rat-catcher/ I guess, it doesn't spoil anything else in the series, though McGuire recommends reading at least two books first so you've properly met the character in the present.
During the summer and early fall, I binge read the entire #OctoberDaye series by Seanan McGuire. It came me going during some very stressful times. In addition to chosen family (which this has in abundance), it also has main character who has a talent for chaos (in the best way) which was oddly comforting.
I then went on to binge read McGuire's #Incryptid series. Talk about found families! I liked the most recent books in the series the best because I identified more with the characters.
So was there more than one reason the Roane predicted war if the High Kingdom were seated in Ash and Oak with Absalom and Vesper Shallcross? Given Vesper is Evening and given her apparent motivation for wanting Quentin in the same part of the continent she's in, I bet there was more than one reason... #octoberdaye
So was there more than one reason the Roane predicted war if the High Kingdom were seated in Ash and Oak with Absalom and Vesper Shallcross? Given Vesper is Evening and given her apparent motivation for wanting Quentin in the same part of the continent she's in, I bet there was more than one reason... #octoberdaye
A few of my favourite things (Book edition):
#LockedTomb and #TamsynMuir
#NKJemisin (esp. #BrokenEarth)
#OctoberDaye and #SeananMcGuire / #MiraGrant
#RobinHobb (currently on Rain Wild Chronicles)
#Sandman and #NeilGaiman
#UrsulaVernon / #TKingfisher (esp. #Digger)
#annleckie #TheDarkIsRising #douglasadams #LawrenceMiles #LockedTomb #tamsynmuir #lordoftherings #murderbot #nkjemisin #brokenearth #octoberdaye #seananmcguire #miragrant #robinhobb #sandman #neilgaiman #ASongofIceandFire #terrypratchett #UrsulaVernon #TKingfisher #digger #watershipdown #YoonHaLee