Hello #GivEnergy peeps. I’m following the hashtag. We’ve got max 72% of 3.9 kW solar and 9.5 kWh battery. The EV is a lease though #OctopusEV so we’ve got the Ohme charger and 10p/kWh overnight rate… all since December 22. At the moment paid off by 2033 so about 7.2% p.a. return. More importantly though, very low #carbonintensity
#GivEnergy #octopusev #carbonintensity
@talsk @LukaszOlejnik Even home ones are connected, directly or otherwise. #OctopusEV provides a car lease scheme, but they insist on installing a black box that records, among many other things, when you charge the car. The black box is one of several reasons I don't use the scheme.