6,000 #octopuses in #onespot #Wow
Largest known gathering ever found.
A time-lapse camera developed by #MBARIengineers allowed them to monitor nesting octopus at the #OctopusGarden for more than six months.
Octopuses off #California's coast gather in herds around hidden deep-sea vents to mate and lay eggs.
#California #octopusgarden #mbariengineers #wow #ONESpot #octopuses
4) Octopuses are usually solitary and incubate their eggs for at least 5 years, sometimes up to 13 (!)
So it’s exciting that scientists have found “the largest aggregate of octopuses known anywhere in the world, deep-sea or not”, where octopuses are hatching their eggs in less than 2 years 🐙
#octopus #octopusgarden #science #deepsea
Vice: Thousands of Octopuses Gather at This Mysterious Spot. Now, We Know Why. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/88xmdz/thousands-of-octopuses-gather-at-this-mysterious-spot-now-we-know-why #octopusgarden #techscience #Abstract #Science #octopus #OCEAN
#octopusgarden #techscience #abstract #science #octopus #ocean
Vice: Thousands of Octopuses Gather at This Mysterious Spot. Now, We Know Why. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/88xmdz/thousands-of-octopuses-gather-at-this-mysterious-spot-now-we-know-why #octopusgarden #techscience #Abstract #Science #octopus #OCEAN
#octopusgarden #techscience #abstract #science #octopus #ocean
Thousands of #Octopuses Gather at This Mysterious Spot. Now, We Know Why.
The "#OctopusGarden" is the location of the largest gathering of octopuses anywhere on Earth, and new research has an explanation. An estimated 20,000 Muusoctopus robustus octopuses, also known as pearl octopuses, occupy this 823-acre site where they find an oasis of warm water that accelerates the growth of #octopus embryos, providing a boost to their survival, reports a new study. https://www.vice.com/en/article/88xmdz/thousands-of-octopuses-gather-at-this-mysterious-spot-now-we-know-why
#octopuses #octopusgarden #octopus
Vice: Thousands of Octopuses Gather at This Mysterious Spot. Now, We Know Why. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/88xmdz/thousands-of-octopuses-gather-at-this-mysterious-spot-now-we-know-why #octopusgarden #techscience #Abstract #Science #octopus #OCEAN
#octopusgarden #techscience #abstract #science #octopus #ocean
Vice: Thousands of Octopuses Gather at This Mysterious Spot. Now, We Know Why. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/88xmdz/thousands-of-octopuses-gather-at-this-mysterious-spot-now-we-know-why #octopusgarden #techscience #Abstract #Science #octopus #OCEAN
#octopusgarden #techscience #abstract #science #octopus #ocean