Bobby Parker · @LegionBobo
735 followers · 422 posts · Server

Four years sober today.

So much has happened in my personal life this past year, I can hardly believe I survived, but I did. Through it all, I was present & available for my family, friends, co-workers & recovery family.

I'm truly grateful for this design for living that really works. I fought it for so long before I finally got it.

Sobriety isn't always easy. But it IS worth it.

Don't drink. Work the steps. Go to meetings. Help others.

#recoveryposse #odat

Last updated 2 years ago

Jolle Lahr-Eigen ⛵️ · @jollinski
16 followers · 322 posts · Server


It can be hard to know what to say or how to act when you're trying to help a loved one who has a substance use disorder but remember help is available. ❤️


#soberlife #onedayatatime #recovery #alcoholism #mindfulness #odat #mindset #recoveryispossible #addictionrecovery

Last updated 2 years ago

Bobby Parker · @LegionBobo
716 followers · 271 posts · Server

I've been reading a daily reflection book titled "Beyond Belief" for about a year after a suggestion from a friend in the rooms.

This year, I'm adding "The Daily Stoic" to my daily meditation readings. So far, I'm enjoying the addition.

Every day is an opportunity for growth. All I have to do is stay sober, and practice honesty, open-mindedness and willingness. Life isn't perfect, but it's a far sight better than before.

#recoveryposse #odat

Last updated 2 years ago

Bobby Parker · @LegionBobo
712 followers · 262 posts · Server

Good morning, ! How's everyone doing today?

I'm enjoying one last day off before returning to work to start the new (work) year. Chilling out, doing some chores around the house, and reading before heading to a meeting this evening.

Today is a great day to have a great day!

#mastodon #odat #recoveryposse

Last updated 2 years ago

Bobby Parker · @LegionBobo
700 followers · 253 posts · Server

Doing my nightly meditation and this quote by Bill W. appeared in the reading:

"The essence of all growth is a willingness to change for the better and then an unremitting willingness to shoulder whatever Responsibility this entails."

My first sponsor had me write that out & tape it to my mirror. He left the rooms before I "got it," but I finally did, and my life is so different now. Happy to be celebrating another sober new year.

It works if you work it.

#odat #sober

Last updated 2 years ago

Bobby Parker · @LegionBobo
677 followers · 240 posts · Server

There doesn't seem to be as much vitriol on Mastodon as there is on Twitter. I'm not sure why that is, unless the Twitter refugees are trying to cultivate new online personas here. I know I am. Being outraged all the time is unhealthy.

To me, social media is a two edged sword; on the one hand, it can benefit the world, and on the other it can cause grievous harm.

I'm going to do my best to use my platform to accentuate the positive. Progresss, not perfection.

#odat #fediverse #followfriday

Last updated 2 years ago

Bobby Parker · @LegionBobo
443 followers · 99 posts · Server

@theroadtosober Sobriety is worth it. I don't want to go back to where I was; being that person again. My life isn't perfect, but I don't have the added burden of being drunk through it all.


Last updated 2 years ago

We Want An Election · @CannotThinkOfOne
3 followers · 4 posts · Server

21 Years sober Today! 21 Years on a journey of self discovery, growth, recovery, & most of all freedom.
This isn’t a message to say “wow look at me” but to say “You can do it” to anyone out there struggling on their first day or thinking about getting through their first Thanksgiving/Christmas sober. It’s a life beyond your wildest dreams! I promise 🤗 Just don’t take One Drink for One Day like I’ve done for 21 years & you can have the world.

#recovery #odat #sober #mastodon

Last updated 2 years ago

Bobby Parker · @LegionBobo
29 followers · 10 posts · Server

It's easy to fall into anger & resentment, especially in day & age. I can get so caught up in the news of the day, I lose sight of the good things going on around me.

Today, I had the opportunity to offer my experience, strength, & hope to some people who really needed it. And it helped put things in perspective.

I may not be able to change the world, but I can help improve lives in my community every day. And that can change the world for the better.

Today was a good day.


Last updated 2 years ago