Independent Order Of Odd Fellows ( or simply Odd Fellow ), Gothenburg, Sweden
#oddfellow #ioof #independentorderofoddfellow #oddfellows
Ever wanted to join a secret society?
The Odd Fellows Lodge on North Avenue in Burlington is recruiting!
All are welcome.
We've had a wave of new members over the past few months, and we have big plans to restore this Lodge as a pillar of our community through friendship and mutual aid.
I'm happy to answer any questions you have.
If you want to check us out in person, come to the back door of 1416 North Ave at 6:30 on Tuesday March 7th or March 21st.
#btv #vermont #ioof #oddfellows
After many years of walking past the seemingly defunct #oddfellows lodge near my house for years, an acquaintance invited me to a holiday party there tonight.
Apparently there's a residual group of old members who have kept the lodge alive, and my friend is part of a group of younger folks trying to revive it as an active community space.
So, of course I'm thinking of joining. Does anyone know much about them as an organization beyond being an old fraternal social clubby thing?
Odd Fellows' warming centre will open Nov 29,30 Dec 1 next week! 1443 W 8th 9:30pm-8:30am #vancouver #homelessness #oddfellows
#Vancouver #homelessness #oddfellows
Congrats to Odd Fellows Chris T, Soleil T, Shawn M who today completed Crisis Intervention Training. This will be a great skill set to use at our warming centre this winter. Good job! #homelessness #vancouver #oddfellows
#homelessness #Vancouver #oddfellows